Bring in the holidays!

I am in awe of the people who are able to have their holiday cards arrive the day after Thanksgiving.   Seriously.  This weekend, we tried to take our family photo for our card since all the children were home.   Even though I set up the tripod and the day was overcast, you would think that ONE photo would have come out perfectly….but nooooooooooo.  My youngest daughter, Elisabeth kept flying in front of the camera so I have lots of these shots (which I secretly love 🙂 And the dogs would come and go so I have numerous pictures of half a tail, part of a head…


You would think that trying to get 5 people to look at the camera, not move, have good posture, keep eyes open, not use the “V” sign over someone’s head, without belly laughing, would be easy….I have a new respect for professional photographers.  Also, why do I look so much older in these photos than I feel??? Arggggg.

Since I haven’t even LOOKED at card styles yet,  I am truly impressed with those organized souls that pop their cards in the mail the day before Thanksgiving.  My hat’s off to you!

Speaking of Thanksgiving, I believe it was the first year that all the food came out of the oven at the same time and arrived at the table hot and delicious.  Here is our turkey before it went into the oven.


Now it’s off to Christmas holiday decorating.  I know there are many ways to celebrate the season. It is a magical time, but it can also be hectic and stressful. So whatever you celebrate, or even if you don’t celebrate, please make extra time to enjoy your fellow man.  If we were all a little kinder to each other, our world would be a better place. Don’t you agree?

So, I started the Christmas decorating.  It’s fun to pull out items that you haven’t seen for a year and for some reason I am always surprised at what I find.  My collection of holiday pillows create an instant seasonal look to the family room, as well as the wreaths that are hung on the interior of each of the windows.  My husband placed a grommet in the ribbon and put small cup hooks on each window frame, so hanging the wreaths is a breeze.



Since the family room is also home to the pets (2 dogs and 2 cats), the holiday decorating is a bit limited-nothing breakable.  So with wreaths on all the windows, numerous holiday pillows on the sofa (purchased from Pottery Barn), and a few pieces of Christmas art, I consider this room decorated.



The vintage picture below was a gift from my dear friend, Janie.  She is the expert at giving unique and thoughtful gifts. Actually, this is the “Janie corner” because in the background hanging on the wall, are two rooster oil paintings, also done by her….How lucky am I to have such a talented friend!


One room down and many more to go.  It takes a good week to decorate Bella Terra, some years I do more than others.  If I am organized, I hope to have a holiday home tour for you before too long.

Here’s my very first winter painting!  I donated it to a charitable event back in Connecticut.  Fortunately, someone liked it and bought it.

img_8259I’m off to find holiday cards and at least one decent photo of our brood! Happy Monday!



















