Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday and I hope you are all in a festive, joyful and holiday mood. I realize the holidays may be hard for some. Often I find myself singing happily along with a Christmas carol and sobbing with another. It is certainly a time of year where I think about those who I love, those I have lost and those less fortunate than us. Finding gems of holiday magic may require some work, but once you do, joy can overcome sadness. Welcome to another Saturday Meanderings where we chat about all good things this week. Hopefully this post will be informative, lift your spirits or help you spread the excitement of the holidays.

Holiday Hand Soap and festive hand towels in guest bathroom

A Successful Event

Last Saturday we hosted an event with nearly 70 people attending. Held on the back terrace, it was a beautiful late afternoon. So nice to see old friends and make new ones. Remember last Saturday when I shared the “Christmas Tree Spinach Dip Breadstick” recipe? I make this for our event and it is an incredible success.

Christmas Tree Breadsticks before baking

Here is the recipe again, however, some things to note. First, I think the manufacturer is making the pizza dough smaller. I use two rolls of pizza dough, but keep the same spinach/cream cheese filling (for one tree). There is plenty of filling for 2 trees.

Christmas Tree Spinach breadsticks

At first, no one wanted to tear into it, but once they did, both trees went very quickly! I think you could make this recipe with various fillings. Looks complicated but is relatively easy. Just follow the instructions. I will definitely make this again. Yummy.

Dessert tray

I also make this pretty dessert tray with store bought items~gingerbread cookies, European milk chocolate biscuit cookies (found in the cookie aisle at Safeway), Christmas tree and snowflake yogurt pretzels (just addicting), mini Belgian cream puffs (in the freezer section most grocery stores/big box at Costco) and the cute red/white mini licorice candy canes by High Valley Orchard (in plastic containers at Safeway). Add a sprig of greenery! So easy to throw together and bite-size pieces for all.

The Annual Christmas Tree Hunt

At my favorite place, Whitfill Nursery

It is family tradition to get our fresh Christmas tree on or around my husband’s birthday, which is December 13th. Each and every year, we head to Whitfill Nursery and always find the freshest, most fragrant trees. We get a nice big one for the living room and a smaller one for the dining room.

Trees in the pool!

The trees go into the pool for a day or two, primarily to clean and hydrate them. If you’ve ever had a spider’s web (and spider babies) in your Christmas tree, you know what I’m talking about. Eeew.

Another Great Hostess Gift

Once you inhale the fragrance of paper whites (narcissus) you can see why they are a favorite holiday flower. This plant has an average plastic container, but I pop it into a cute small basket, add some moss and a pretty blue velvet ribbon, and voilà, you have a hostess gift!

Paper white narcissus hostess gift

If you missed last week’s Saturday Meanderings, I share some hostess gift suggestions. The beeswax candles I order from Amazon arrive and they are perfect. These are all natural and organic, and you need to stand up the wick to light them. I gifted them to my friend, Janie with the electric candle lighter (charges with a USB port) and she loves it! See that post here.

It’s Panettone Week!

Hot out of the oven.

During the holidays I always take a homemade baked good to the man who has been cutting and styling my hair for over 30 years (Roscoe at Pucci Salon). My hair is in sorry shape as I haven’t gotten it done for months. Nothing like warm panettone out of the oven to motivate a good cut and style.

My new do!

Never had panettone? Check out this Saturday Meanderings from last year goes into detail on this delicious Italian holiday bread.

December Sunsets

With the crisp, chilly mornings and evenings, our December sunsets are fabulous. Here is an unedited photo of the sky behind the hen house and garden.

Glorious sunset behind the hen house and garden

Mother Nature puts on quite the show. Within minutes, the view changes. So stunning!

Day is done.

Note the Christmas lights in the garden. The temperature is in the mid-30s to low 40s in the morning. I generally put lights over the beds so when I cover them with frost cloth, some heat is retained to protect the plants. Our temperatures on our property are anywhere from 6-9 degrees cooler than the posted weather forecast. Freezing temperatures are on the horizon.

Fun with Food

Charcuterie tree on Pinterest

I seem to be drawn to festive holiday food! This different approach to charcuterie looks fun to make, right? Not only can food arrangement be festive, but so can holiday cocktails. If you missed my Christmas cocktail post this week, there are several suggestions for both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.


This board is certainly seasonal. By just removing part of the rind on a round brie, you can make it look like Santa~so clever!

Mary’s Must Haves

Having fresh trees and greens in the houses fills each room with the most amazing forest scent. But if you have an artificial tree or greens, this is the next best thing:

Frasier Fir candle

Thymes Frasier Fir pine needle candles never disappoint. There are on the expensive side ($34.00 for 6.5 oz) but such a nice splurge for the holidays.

Though I haven’t tried this one personally, Yankee Candle has a 22 ounce Balsam and Cedar candle for $29.94.

Scentsicles White Winter Fir

My husband tucks the Scentsicles in our artificial garlands or wreaths to give them a White Winter Fir scent. These scented sticks are made of sustainable, biodegradable, recycled paper and make trees and greenery smell like fresh-cut for 30 days. See it here.

With lots of house guests, I am doing much more laundry, mostly sheets and towels. During the dry winter months, we have additional static cling and I am not a fan of dryer static. Even though dryer sheets help with static and add fragrance, I do not like the cost, waste and chemicals.

Wool Dryer Balls

Instead, we use reusable wool dryer balls, 100% Premium New Zealand Wool – eco-friendly and all-natural. Ideal for those with sensitive skin, babies, toddlers, & pets. No fillers, chemicals, or synthetics. Dryer balls cut the drying time by up to 50% (savings in electrical costs). These sustainable (last up to 1,000 loads), biodegradable dryer balls are completely static-free.

Great stocking stuffer too!

I love these cordless table lights, Shanghai LED Desk Lamp Cordless Table Lights. At this past weekend event, I use them on the appetizer table. The light is so pleasant~not too bright but beautifully cast downward with pretty illumination. With two settings, you can adjust the ambience to your conditions.

Cordless table lights

Here is a photo where I use 3 of these lights on my Valentine dinner table. Since we are dining outside, I don’t have to worry about candles blowing out or dripping on the centerpiece.

Table Lamps at a dinner party

The LED night lamp is battery-powered and charge with a USB port. It is equipped with a 5000 mAh rechargeable battery allowing up to 8 hours usage. Elegant and transportable, you can truly use them anywhere. Well worth the investment of $49.00 each. Plus they come in multiple colors (mine are gold). See it here.

Thayer toner Rose Petal

This time of year my hands are SO dry. Often I will get little cracks, like paper cuts, due to the dryness. A few years ago, I did use a combination of Thayer toner with witch hazel, aloe vera and rose petal and then a good hand cream. With both products by my kitchen sink, it was easy to use them after hand washing. I just re-ordered the Thayer toner and did read great reviews about CeraVe therapeutic hand cream.

CeraVe therapeutic hand cream

Note: the Thayer toner comes in a spray bottle too, which might make application easier. Will be getting both today in the mail and I’ll let you know how the hand cream works.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend! We are off with the family celebrating my husband’s birthday so I am hoping time permits me to share a holiday home tour with you next week. I’m still a bit behind in the holiday shopping but it will all come together. Are you ready for the holidays?