Saturday Meanderings

Hard to believe it was rainy and cold for the Easter weekend, but today, it is sunny and warm, the perfect Spring day. Trees are budding, birds are singing and love is in the air. A sure sign of the season is seeing ducks around in our swimming pool as the female chooses her mate. Here in Phoenix we pray for more days like this because we know that blistering temperature will be heading our way in a few months. Welcome to the first Saturday Meanderings of April, where we chat about all good things this past week. I really appreciate you joining me today with a cup of your favorite beverages while reading this.

Easter Brunch table

Easter Recap

As I mentioned earlier, the wet weather prevented us from having a meal in the palm orchard, but the covered back terrace is the perfect place to gather out of the elements. With a fire going in the fireplace and the outdoor and space heaters on, twelve of us sit down to brunch.

Lots of bunnies at the table

Before our meal, however, is the annual Easter egg hunt. The Easter bunny places 521 plastic eggs (yes, he counted them this year), with 200 of the eggs filled with money. Though a bit wet and muddy, the children (now well into adulthood) fiercely compete to see who is get the most eggs and hopefully the most cash.

Hunting for eggs

It is a very competitive, almost a contact sport but we’ve yet to see any physical injuries as they fill the wicker baskets provided. After the hunt, we start our Easter brunch on the covered back terrace, Spinach and goat cheese quiches, honey baked ham, green salad, fresh fruit, waffle bar and mimosas are on tap. Dessert is the annual lamb cake and limoncello bundt cake. Of course, I did not take pictures. Sigh.

My son, in Chicago, makes his official lamb cake and it is much better than mine! If you don’t follow him on Instagram, you may want to @crozier_cooks. Obviously I didn’t grease my lamb cake mold well enough because the cake did not come out cleanly.

Benjamin’s lamb cake @crozier_cooks

But after some reconstructive surgery and a lot of frosting, here is my lamb cake. Sorry for the awful picture with the messy kitchen in the background. It was a busy day…

My lamb cake

This is a perfect example where the student clearly outperforms the teacher! So proud of his creation.

It is a big day for Finn and he equally loves his stuffed bunny and chicken, snoozing through most of the festivities.

Finn and his honey bunny

Speaking of Finn, he also had his first wellness check at the vet. As you can see, he is not too bothered by the experience!

Finn’s first vet appointment

Spring Flowers

As cold as it was last weekend, on Thursday, it was 85 degrees. The temperature is supposed to drop again this weekend, but the warmer intervals are encouraging the flowers to blossom.

Irises are blooming

Hollyhocks are just showing their pretty blooms too.


Nasturtium grows in the same spot every year without any care.

Nasturtium with both orange and yellow blooms

Finn is exploring each and every aspect of the yard; making time to sniff the flowers.

Finn smelling the flowers

Using Rangpurs

My dear friend, Dr. Ryan Krch delivered a bag of rangpurs from his dad’s tree. Rangpurs, sometimes called the rangpur lime, mandarin lime or lemandarin, is a hybrid between the mandarin orange and the citron. It is a citrus fruit with a very acidic taste and an orange peel and flesh. The peel is a bit baggy, like a mandarin.


Back in 2020, I made a lemon meringue pie using Ryan’s rangpurs (see that post here). This time, I adapt a recipe from The Kitchen McCabe substituting lemon juice with rangpur juice, making individual rangpur tarts.

Individual rangpur tarts

Using a defrosted store-bought pie crust and these sweet individual tart pans, this recipe is rather easy and tasty. Toasting the meringue topping with this small culinary blow torch gives the dessert a professional touch. Note: there are many different types of culinary torches and depending on your budget and use, read the ratings to select the one that best serves your purpose.

Rangpur tartlets

My tartlet pans are 4″ wide by 1.25″, however, I purchased them a long time ago and cannot remember the source. The ones on Amazon are not as tall, but I think they will work equally as well. Webstaurant has one the same size as mine and you can find it here.

The rangpur curd is so unexpectedly different and the dessert is a success.

New Curtains

Our master bathroom is deserving of a total make-over but as I save up for this big project, the curtains in the bathtub nook need replacing. I go to my list of respected resources, but when did the price of curtain panels go up?

Since I am looking for a temporary fix until I fully determine the future new look of the bathroom, I don’t want to spend a lot of money. I find these linen curtains on Amazon for less than $40 for 2 panels, which come in 11 colors and multiple lengths!

Curtain Photo on Amazon

Not expecting the best quality, I am very surprised when the curtains arrive. Yes, they are linen and even though the background is more natural vs. white, they are quite pretty. They let the light through but provide some privacy to the outside.

Bathtub nook curtains

Since I ordered the wrong length, I will need to hem them, but other than that, I am quite pleased with the quality at such a low price. They do have grommets (not my favorite attachment method), but for an interim curtain, it will do. Or I can hem them from the top and add with a pocket for the rod or a way to attach hooks.

From the Internet

The Crowned Goat

I don’t know about you, but for me, Spring is the time to open the windows, and switch things up a bit to welcome the new season. Simple tasks such as reorganizing a hutch or shelves can give a room a fresh, new look. CoCo from The Crowned Goat has Eight Easy Tips for Styling a Dining Room Hutch. Don’t have a hutch? Her tips can be used anywhere you have a set of shelves. Plus her photos are just dreamy.

Pinecones and Acorns

When the weather gets warmer, I dream about finding the perfect, easy casual dress to wear. However, being on the shorter side (5’4″), some dresses with voluminous fabric make me look like a sack of potatoes. So, I spend time looking but making never making a decision. Elizabeth from Pinecones and Acorns shares a collection of spring dresses in various patterns and silhouettes.

If anyone has had success in finding a pretty, affordable, spring dress please let me know. Seriously, I look every year and don’t buy anything.

Celebrate and Decorate Spring Home Tour

Many of you met my sweet friend, Chloe Crabtree, at our Fall Styling Workshop last year. You have often heard me rave about her beautiful home in Celebration, Florida. Now you can see it too. Chloe graciously welcomes you into her home with her recently posted video Spring Home tour.

Mary’s Must Haves

Boho blouse

As the weather gets warmer, I am ready for long sleeve blouses vs. jackets. An affordable favorite (truly, I get compliments every time I wear it), is this boho, loose blouse that is currently 24% off on Amazon, at $27.99. It comes in 20 different colors/patterns and I currently own two of them. Launders easily and still looks good a few years later.

I am in the market for a new belt and good quality t-shirts. Each summer I try and buy a new white one, but lately, it seems the fabric is so sheer (what’s that about?). If anyone has a resource for the perfect t-shirt (crew neck) and a good quality belt, please let me know.

Well, that’s a wrap! Trying to get all of Easter put away, doing some spring cleaning projects and gardening this weekend. Wishing you a relaxing and happy weekend!