Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday and as I write this, it’s hard to believe nearly half of 2022 is over. Since I started grand jury duty, my schedule is non-existent and I can’t really recall what happened to the last 3 weeks in June. I always look forward to writing this post so let’s get started and chat about all good things this week.

A Few Days at our Cabin

View out to the golf course

Being up in the mountains provides such a wonderful change of scenery. Big storms came in with abundantl rain, which we so desperately need. If you missed my Dinner in the Library tablescape post this week, you can see it here. The Scholarship Dinner raised a significant sum of money for the employees educational needs.

I am already thinking about what table theme I will do next year, so if you have any suggestions or thoughts, please send them my way.

Squirrel enjoying his peanut

Who needs television when you can watch the local wildlife at work? Very relaxing to sit on the front porch and have our coffee in the morning, while the squirrels and bird entertain us. Like last year, we have another nest of eggs in the flower arrangement by the front door.

4 new eggs in the nest

A Year Ago

A Nantucket sunset

A year ago today, we were in Nantucket. It was our first trip there and we were very lucky to stay with friends who own a gorgeous property with a guest cottage. Since more people are traveling this year, here is my overview of that trip.

I am SO longing for a trip to see water, but nothing planned to date. Are you going somewhere fun this summer?

A Little Garden Excitement

Artichoke going to flower

I always leave a few artichokes to flower because they are SO beautiful! The purply-blue spike tops are like a soft brush and fun to touch.

Mystery plant

An unknown plant has been growing over the past few weeks. It finally gave me a clue by producing this. So I am guessing spaghetti squash, however, I did not plant any this year. I planted some two years ago but they did not produce so I’m a bit surprised. Ah the unexpected joys of gardening!

The last of the apricots are finally gone! Not a huge crop this year but the few remaining are used in a simple apricot galette made with puff pastry. For some reason I could not download the picture of the galette, but here is an apricot tart with an almond crust I made last year (recipe is here).

Using Healthy Hair and Skin Products

Growing up, our choices for skin care were limited to Ivory soap. Who remembers the Breck girl and Breck shampoo? Now there is a multitude of products to select for your skin and hair. Lynn from Living Large in a Small House writes a detailed post about what you can do to ensure you are choosing the best products that are free of harmful chemicals.

My skin and hair care routines are rather basic, however, I find Lynn’s post very enlightening and something we should share with our children and grandchildren.

See Lynn’s post here. It makes sense to not want to put things like formaldehyde, mercury or some word no one can pronounce on our bodies.

Perfect for Summer

When I saw this recipe, it screams summer to me. Annie from Most Lovely Things shares a S’mores Icebox Cake that you can make ahead and just take out of the freezer. Who doesn’t love s’mores? Anne takes amazing photos and even has a video to show you how to make this delicious dessert. You can see it here! Though I do not know Annie personally, she is very talented and I enjoy her posts from the same Connecticut town in which my sister lives.

Need to Know More about Sunscreen?

Living in a climate where it is sunny over 300 days per year, skin protection and sunscreen are important topics. Carrie Vitt from Deliciously Organic is living proof that what you eat and how you live can be toxic to your health. Changes in her lifestyle have reversed Hashimoto’s disease, chronic migraines, IBS and eczema.

Applying the right sunscreen

Recently she shares how to choose the right sunscreen for you. Her post is filled with great information as to when you should wear it, too. You can see it here. Spend some time on her website as I know you will enjoy Carrie’s wealth of knowledge on thyroid disease, asthma, headaches, skin issues and more.

Need Dog Help

Sox, our pocket beagle

Lately, our nearly 15 year old Beagle, Sox, wakes up between 3:30 and 5:00 a.m.(every day) and stands in the middle of the room and barks. He sleeps in the family room with his brother, our Akbash, Cooper. Sox is hard of hearing and his sight is diminished. As soon as I (or my husband) enter the room, he stops barking and will go back to sleep. I have gotten into the habit of taking my pillow downstairs with me and will settle in on the sofa for a few more zzzzz.

Does anyone have any great suggestions for how to get our sweet, old Beagle to sleep through the night? Last night we tried Hemp Calming Chews but they did not seem to help. Not sure they work better over time. I love our dogs, but I need my sleep! I am at a loss here so any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Well, that’s a wrap! Thank you so much for joining me and I wish you a wonderful and relaxing weekend.