The Importance of Friendship and Kindness

Yesterday I was feeling out of sorts.  Blah.  Not physically sick but emotionally restless.  I try exercising and that didn’t fix it.  I eat healthy food all day to no avail.  Typically I wake up each morning in a happy state ready to tackle the day with lots of focused energy.  But on this day, I am wandering around aimlessly trying to pin point what is bothering me.

Succulents at Whitfill Nursery

Have you had one of those days where you are on the verge of weeping?  Well, that is today. I feel like I am ready to have a good cry, yet I can’t understand why.

Colorful pansies

Maybe I am missing all the wonderful activity from the holidays-where the house was filled with my children, their friends and laughter.  Maybe I am just overtired…


That afternoon I get a call from my friend, Janie, who wants to spontaneously meet at Whitfill Nursery as she needs flowers for her garden.  I LOVE Whitfill Nursery and enjoying a sunny day surrounded by plants, flowers and a dear friend sounds like a good remedy.

Spending time with my dear friend fills my soul.  As she loads her cart with bedding plants, I take some of these photos.  Nothing like the simplicity and beauty of nature to help reset your compass.

Pretty flowers

I believe that situations and people cross your path when you need it most.  We went into the Garden Shop at Whitfill, which is filled with wonderful, unique items. Here I find a framed picture of Maya Angelou‘s words of wisdom~ jumping out at me.

Wise words by Maya Angelou

Janie had no idea that asking me to join her in flower shopping would make me feel better.  The warm greetings and conversation from both Janis and Patti at Whitfill help ease my weepiness. Being around the friends, flowers and sunshine is my soul food.

We have a saying at our house, which is “in order to have good friends you need to be a good friend”. I feel so blessed to have dear friends who enter my life at the most random times, but always when needed.  At the end of the day, companionship and great conversation is my medicine. This is balm for my soul.

We never really know how someone is feeling, be it a friend or a stranger. Often a kind word or a joyful smile will make someone’s day. In a world where being hurtful, critical or down right mean, seems to be the norm, let’s not follow suit. It doesn’t cost anything to be pleasant and your words or gestures may positively impact someone.

Please do something nice for someone today.  You never know how it may lift their spirits. As Maya Angelou says, even when you have pains, you don’t need to be one. I completely agree.

Happy Tuesday to you. Sending big hugs your way.