Life at Bella Terra is a celebration of the present while honoring the past.
Our goal is to live authentically on this historical property we call Bella Terra, preserving its charm and uniqueness.
We welcome you to join us as we share our stories and experiences.

Saturday Meanderings
As I write this, we are now officially in the season between winter and summer. Our recent rains dowsed the garden and yard with abundant…

Spring Cleaning and Easy Kitchen Updates
This past weekend I did do more window washing and tackled the job of cleaning the range hood. Using a newly recommended product from my…

Spring Front Porch Ideas
Even though my front door was recently painted a different color, I hope you enjoy this post from 2021 for some Spring front porch inspiration….

Saturday Meanderings
What a week! Our weather is all over the place and I cannot tell you how happy I am that it is the weekend. Thank…

Saturday Meanderings
Happy March! How can that be?!? I have no idea who makes up the daily celebrations by month but today, March 1st is Share a…

Strengthening Your Immune System
We are in the middle of the worst flu season in 15 years. Many people rely on others to provide a magic pill to fix…