Saturday Meanderings
I am so sorry I missed posting Saturday Meanderings last week. In addition to having house guests, planning, cooking and organizing our Valentine Dinner party (if you missed it see it here), our sweet dog Sox had an episode where we thought it was over for him. Thankfully, he came around but it was a heart wrenching moment. But onward and upward and here we are on Saturday for another Saturday Meanderings where we chat about all good things!
Getting Paint out of Carpet
In selecting colors for repainting the guest cottage, I brought a few gallons home from Sherwin Williams. Unfortunately, there was a small amount of paint under the lid and when I turned the corner, the can rolled over in the back of the car. Dark green paint spilled out onto my car’s trunk carpet, which is tan.

I didn’t realize this had happened as I have large pieces of foam covering the carpet. My car is 17 years old, but the interior carpet looks brand new under the foam. Two days later, I discover the paint stain, which is hard and dried. Sigh.
Not really knowing how to tackle this, I get my trusty bottle of Krud Kutter and spray the spot and let it sit. This cleaner/degreaser softens the hardened paint. Blotting up as much of the paint as I can, I continue to spray and rub until all the of the paint is gone!

This is a miracle cleaner and I cannot recommend it enough!
By the way, having foam covering the trunk floor is really great for protecting the rug, but also helps to prevent things from rolling around (except paint cans!).
Do You and Your Spouse Have Different Decorating Styles

My friend, Andrea asks her husband to describe his ideal house and is surprised by his answer. I ask my husband the same question and discover some enlightening details.
But what do you do if your tastes are vastly different. For example, my husband owns very contemporary art, while I love old oil paintings in substantial gold frames.

If you find your spouse or significant other has different design tastes than you, Andrea has a great post and several tips on what you can do to negotiate and mix your styles. See it here.
Before and After Sofa
The very old, yet well made sofa is back from the upholsterer and I am so delighted. I can’t stress enough that reupholstering a sofa with a hardwood frame is well worth it vs. buying something new made out of particle board.
In order to give the old gal a more contemporary look, the upholsterer made two seat and back cushions where here was three.
Here is the before. See how lumpy (and dirty) the cushions are?

Viola! Here is the new sofa in white. It looks like a completely different piece of furniture. I am so happy with it…now it will need some Scotchguard.

My Geraniums

For the last few years, my geraniums have suffered from worms/catepillars that eat holes in the small blooms, preventing beautiful flower growth. Trying different sprays and treatments, nothing seem to work. For hours I would hand pick those little buggers off but each season they would return.

My husband bought a bag of First Saturday Lime which I spread on top of the soil in each pot. First Saturday Lime is an environmentally-friendly alternative to pesticides that is safe for children and pets. This product creates an inhospitable environment for insects to reproduce. Apply it monthly for best results.

To date, my geraniums look fabulous and there is NO sign of those creepy crawlies. What an impact the pink geraniums make on my Valentine front porch. Every single geranium pot is filled with large, gorgeous blooms, thanks to this product.
Loving Jicama
Lately, we are snacking (all the time) on fresh jicama. Jicama is a root vegetable with thick, brown skin. It’s white inside and tastes like an apple but not as sweet. It’s a bit like a potato but with a lot fewer carbs.

It’s a fiber-packed snack that prevents constipation, lowers cholesterol, and lowers your chances of getting colon cancer and heart disease. Loaded with Vitamin C, it gives a big boost to the immune system. It’s also good for your eyes and skin.

Jicama has Vitamin B-6, which supports your brain and nerves, forms red blood cells, and turns protein into energy. If you’re watching your blood sugar and insulin, jicama is a safe snack. It has carbs, but they have a low glycemic load.
Plus it is easy to cut them into fun shapes using a cookie cutter! And they do not brown like cut apples.
Such a Sweet Story
I read this on Nextdoor and this really restores my faith in the kindness of others. It’s a bit long, but trust me, you will be glad you did (and you may need tissue). It’s a great way to end this post.

Our 14-year-old dog Abbey died last month. The day after she passed away my 4-year-old daughter Meredith was crying and talking about how much she missed Abbey. She asked if we could write a letter to God so that when Abbey got to heaven, God would recognize her. I told her that I thought that we could, so she dictated these words:
Dear God, Will you please take care of my dog? Abbey died yesterday and is with you in heaven. I miss her very much. I ‘m happy that you let me have her as my dog even though she got sick. I hope you will play with her. She likes to swim and play with balls. I am sending a picture of her so when you see her you will know that she is my dog. I really miss her. Love, Meredith
We put the letter in an envelope with a picture of Abbey & Meredith, addressed it to God/Heaven. We put our return address on it. Meredith pasted several stamps on the front of the envelope because she said it would take lots of stamps to get the letter all the way to heaven. That afternoon she dropped it into the letter box at the post office. A few days later, she asked if God had gotten the letter yet. I told her that I thought He had.
Yesterday, there was a package wrapped in gold paper on our front porch addressed, ‘To Meredith’ in an unfamiliar hand. Meredith opened it. Inside was a book by Mr. Rogers called, ‘When a Pet Dies.’ Taped to the inside front cover was the letter we had written to God in its opened envelope. On the opposite page was the picture of Abbey & Meredith and this note:
Dear Meredith, Abbey arrived safely in heaven. Having the picture was a big help and I recognized her right away. Abbey isn’t sick anymore.
Her spirit is here with me just like it stays in your heart. Abbey loved being your dog. Since we don’t need our bodies in heaven, I don’t have any pockets to keep your picture in so I’m sending it back to you in this little book for you to keep and have something to remember Abbey by. Thank you for the beautiful letter and thank your mother for helping you write it and sending it to me. What a wonderful mother you have. I picked her especially for you. I send my blessings every day and remember that I love you very much. By the way, I’m easy to find. I am wherever there is love.
Love, God
Well, that’s a wrap! Thank you so much for joining me today. Have a wonderful weekend. Today I am attending a watercolor class with a dear friend, which is a big treat for me.

Just a reminder that any words that are italicized bring you to the source. If it is a product on Amazon, please note that I am an Amazon Affiliate. If you purchase something through my website, I receive a small (very small!) stipend, which doesn’t affect the price you pay at all. My goal is to make sourcing the items easy for you. Thank you for your continued support.
Jicama sounds interesting. I think I’ll give it a try. I need more vegetables in my life. And I don’t have to cook it, which just makes it really easy. By chance have you figured out how to cook broccoli or broccolini? The frozen pouches of broccoli get cold too fast. I like it with a little crunch. Your sofa looks wonderful as do your geraniums! Sweet story on your neighborhood app. I’m going to order a couple of copies of Mr. Roger’s book to have ready for when a pet dies in my extended family.
M, the only way I like broccoli is to roast it in olive oil and sea salt~crispy in the oven. My children loved it that way too. Let me know how you like jicama….it tastes like a cross between a potato and apple. I like the crunch and the flavor. Good idea on the Mr. Rogers book too.
Awl! What a sweet heart-felt tender story. Yes, I needed tissues!
Thx for the tip of lime. I have it on our wish list for when winter is over here. It is still snowing here.
Your Valentine porch is stunning with those gorgeous healthy geraniums!
Michele, thank you so much for your comments. Yes, that lime is just doing wonders here!
Oh that’s the sweetest story! Thanks for sharing and reminding us that there’s love all around!
Barbara, in today’s world we see less love and more angst. It’s a nice reminder of the fact that most people are kind in spite of the loud megaphones shouting otherwise…
What a beautiful story. I’m thanking God for such loving people Meredith has in her life. Thank you for sharing. I love your sofa and your geraniums are gorgeous!
Ellen, I loved that story too! Thank you so much for your sweet comments.
Great story Mary. What a nice gift you gave her. So smart.
Your sofa looks brand new! Love it
Oh what a tear producing story. Our family is dealing with a sick dog, who is only a little over a year old, but may have to be put down. I cried too as I think about all my loved ones who have gone on.
Did you use the same upholsterer that did the antique sofa last year? This sofa turned out beautifully. Both my sofas are “old” Ethan Allen’s that I will never get rid of. as they are so well made compared to what is now on the market.
Your geraniums are gorgeous. I live here in the valley. and my pots are blooming like crazy and are so pretty right.
Thank you for your always great reads!
Lee, I am so sorry to hear about your dog, especially one so young. Keeping my fingers crossed that all works out well. The person who did my antique sofa retired~he was fabulous. Roberto from Roberto’s Upholstery has now done 2 sofa for me, and I am pleased with the workmanship. His shop is in south Phoenix, is a rather cluttered, but he’s done a good job for me so far. Smart not to get rid of the old Ethan Allen sofas-those No. American hardwood frames are priceless.
Mrs. Mary, What a beautiful story that you shared to us. I cried through its entirety, not only thinking of the pets we have lost but all of my dear family members. I needed to read this today, as we are attending my brothers wedding this evening and our loved ones have been on my mind more than ever. Does your dog have seizures? Our dog does and when he has one, we give him some chicken and rice condensed soup The sodium in there helps. Love how your sofa turned out, I think I will follow your advice and reupholster ours instead of buying a new one. Prayers to you and your family.
Crystal, enjoy your brother’s wedding. Gatherings like that do make us remember all those who have gone before us. No, our dog has never had seizures (thankfully), but I like your remedy of chicken and rice condensed soup. Sox, even though he is 15 (can’t see or hear), his beagle nose works very well. He tends to find things in the yard (right now all the date trees are dropping fruit) and I think he over eats those things, which doesn’t agree with his intestinal tract. What I didn’t realize that when you re-upholster, you can change up the style of the sofa with a good upholsterer!
Wow that was the best, thankyou so very much for sharing that, I cried thru it reading it to my husband. There are still great people in this world and I am so happy your letter found one
I am still crying
Bless you and your family, have a wonderful weekend and I hope your daughter’s heart heals fast I am a true animal lover so this was the best!!!
Debbie, thank you for your comments. The letter didn’t pertain to my family, however, it was posted here locally in a neighborhood social media venue called NextDoor. However, I would love a job in the post office responding to letters like that! There is goodness in the world, even though you can’t find it on the news.
Mary, Thank you for sharing the story of the dog. Reinforces my belief that there are lots
of good people in this world. Sadly much of the news is about the bad ones.
Love your sofa and thank you for the tips you are so kind to share. Going to pick up some
foam for my trunk.
Virginia, you will really love the foam in the trunk idea! It is a great way to preserve your trunk and its carpet.
So many great tips. Love the updated sofa. It looks great.
The geraniums look gorgeous! What a sweet story, and what a kind person who took the time to respond to that little girl! I hope you have a great watercolor class!
Chloe, I love that story too. Will post about the art class next Saturday. Be well, my friend!
Thru my tears thank you for this beautiful story! And also the tip about jicama
Linda, jicama is now a staple in my refrigerator. It seems to spoil rather quickly, so I’ve been cutting it up and putting it in cold water in a container in the fridge. We usually eat it all before it goes bad. Hope you enjoy it!
Dear Mary, such weeks you have had, how I admire you…
AND appreciate you! So many useable great tips! We are very much in snow and minus 0 temperatures so seeing your beautiful blooming geraniums on the lovely Valentine’s porch was a delight
I am going to buy some Jicama! I didn’t know it was so good for us! Glad your dog is recovered and what a sweet story you’ve shared with us. May God bless you and your upcoming weeks…
Sue, I grew up in Connecticut with very cold winters and lots of snow. Zero degrees? Brrr. I’ve become such a weenie since I get cold when it falls under 70. This is the best my geraniums have ever looked! So happy you like the photos. Stay warm, my friend and thank you for your sweet comments.
Oh my! That story!!
Would you please share your upholsterer?
Your geraniums look great!