Saturday Meanderings
Since I didn’t have the time to write a Saturday Meanderings last week, this one will cover all the good things (and some not so good) from the last two weeks. Happy Weekend to you!
It’s Galette Season!

I love making galettes and it’s a great way to showcase all the wonderful fruit that is in season. If you haven’t made one of these, or don’t bake, trust me…..this is E.A.S.Y. and anyone can do it.
What is a Galette?
Galettes are freeform and baked right on a baking sheet. Pies are baked in a sloped pie pan, often with a top crust. With a galette you use the same pie crust dough, but the edges of the galette are folded over the center filling, leaving a wide opening from which the filling can be seen.

This week I made both an apple and cherry one. You can use really any fruit~peaches, apricots or berries. Links to galette recipes are in a 2021 Saturday Meanderings here.
An Expensive Week

We have a well on our property which provides water for the garden and orchard. Unfortunately, the well pump and associated equipment broke and rendered the well inoperable.
Negotiating big equipment to the back of the property is challenging. Also, it is not an ideal time for the well to quit as it is heating up in Phoenix. The cost to fix this is ridiculously expensive, but a necessity, as using city water would be astronomically more.

Last year you may recall we replaced the front deck on our cabin. Even though the work was done by a licensed contractor, the new deck is a big disappointment. Twenty-six (yes!) items wrong with it from not being structural to not being level…it’s a mess.
The only solution is to tear it off and rebuild it (with someone who actually knows what they are doing). My advice~make sure your check references on anyone who does construction work. Just because someone has a license, does not mean they know what they are doing.
It’s been a pricey week.
Wonderful Gift

Earlier this year, my sweet neighbor across the street passed away. In cleaning out her home, her daughter and I became acquainted. Look at the pretty rocking chair that she gave me! I cannot wait to refinish it and feel so honored to get this as it comes with a lot of history. Lucky me.
Annual Yarnell Memorial Run
This is the third year my daughter, Julianna and I participate in this special memorial run. Here is some history about this wonderful event:

On June 28th, 2013, a lightning storm sparked what would become the deadliest wildfire in Arizona history. The Yarnell Hill Fire claimed 127 structures and the lives of 19 brave men as the country watched in helpless shock. These men belonged to the Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshot Crew, based in Prescott, AZ, where many of them also resided.

On June 7, 2014, the first Yarnell Memorial Run was held in Memory of the Hotshot Crew to raise funds to support the work of local firefighters. The success and support was amazingly vibrant, prompting the Memorial Run to become an annual event. Participants have the privilege of running through the area of town known as Glen Ilah, which is where much of the burn robbed residents of their homes. In 2014, the burned area was still quite noticeable, but as time’s magic healing process has taken effect, flowers have bloomed, grass has returned with vigor and homes have been rebuilt. The Yarnell Memorial Run has grown, giving runners and walkers four different options including a 5k, 10k, 19k and family/child friendly Fun Run & Walk.
Enchanted Forest table

This week we participated in a charitable event, where each table host chooses a theme and decorates their table accordingly. I will be writing an entire post about it because there are so many details, but here’s a peek at my Enchanted Forest table. It was a surprising success!

For the same charitable event, there is also a dessert auction. I made this delicious Apricot Almond Tart (with fresh apricots!) and am very happy it sold immediately! The recipe is in a 2020 post and you can see it here.
Huge Fruit Harvest

This is the week for apricots and picking the last of the peaches. Typically I make pies, jam and salsa, but really didn’t have the time this year. Instead, I sliced and pitted the fruit and froze as much as possible. Now bagged and dated, I am hoping to use them throughout the summer.

A big garden surprise is finding plums on our newly planted tree. The tree didn’t look very healthy and we had already lost its partner earlier in the year. Quite frankly, I expected this tree to die too, so I didn’t pay any attention to it. Low and behold it is full of delicious plums. Since I didn’t thin them, the fruit is on the small size but big in taste.
Did you know that the silvery white film on plums (and grapes, blueberries) is a naturally occurring substance known as the “bloom”? It acts as a barrier against insects and bacteria and helps to seal in the fruit’s moisture. The bloom is also a sign of freshness, since it fades with time and handling. And all this time I thought it might be an insecticide!
A Weird Egg Anomaly

Fart eggs (also called fairy eggs, diminutive eggs, cock eggs, wind eggs, witch eggs, dwarf eggs) are teeny tiny eggs laid by normal-sized hens. They usually are just egg white, just egg yolk, or possibly a teeny tiny miniature egg. It’s like an oops, mistake that happens in the chicken’s reproductive system and this tiny egg comes out instead of a normal sized ones.
Even though they are perfectly safe to eat, I just collect them in a bowl. Eventually the contents dry out and I have these perfectly made tiny eggs. Isn’t Mother Nature full of surprises?
Do You Wear Skorts?

I don’t have great legs so I tend to shy away from skirts above my knee. However, during a recent trip to Costco I did pick up 3 skorts. Not only are they super comfortable, but really affordable too (I think around $15.00) I was pleasantly surprised and am wearing them with a simple t-shirt. Plus at my age, no one is looking at my legs!
You can find them online (different style than what is offered in the store) here.

Well, that’s a wrap to Saturday Meanderings. Wishing you a glorious weekend and If you are celebrating Father’s Day, please cherish the father (or father figure) in your life. The next few weeks will involve some traveling for me so I hope to continue to blog, but if not, I will catch up with you as soon as I can.
Be well and stay safe out there!

Just a reminder that any words that are italicized bring you to the source. If it is a product on Amazon, please note that I am an Amazon Affiliate. If you purchase something through my website, I receive a small (very small!) stipend, which doesn’t affect the price you pay at all. My goal is to make sourcing the items easy for you. Thank you for your continued support.
Hi Mary – I’m so sorry about your deck and the imposter of a contractor. I would definitely report the person to the Better Business Bureau. A deck should have a slight slope so water runs off but not with unsafe construction and the well!!!! oh my gosh, in Arizona I would think you would have to drill to China to get get good water. In Virginia Beach, we have a high water table but if you don’t go deep it wreaks of sulfur and if it sprays on your home, it turns it brown. Yuck.
I just love your table. It’s a wonderland of a miniature forest. So inviting and children, as well as adults, would have such a treat enjoying your creation.
The rocking chair will talk with. you. All the memories will be in each rock of this wonderful chair. It is a reciprocal blessing.
Diana, how interesting about the high water table in Virginia Beach…but I guess that would make sense. It’s been so long since I’ve lived by water! Next week I will be sharing more details on the Enchanted Forest dinner….fun to create! Yes, I need to get started on refinishing the chair, however with it being so hot in Phoenix, I may have to start this project in the fall. Thanks for weighing in this week! Have a wonderful weekend.
Wow all the summer treats you’re making look so delicious!
Finally catching up. Somehow your blog gets tossed into my junk mail even though I have “told” my email it is def not junk!! First your run for the firefighters tugged at my heart. You might remember I was living in NYC on September 11th. So many of my firefighter pals in my neighborhood station did not return. Like you I have the greatest love and respect for firefighters. Anyone who can run towards a fire when everything in their body is telling them to flee is a hero. Everything looks fab…why am I not surprised. I had to have a new water heater installed last week; but luckily water damage was very limited. And…as for the fruit…well you know how I feel about that – if a fruit has a stone I love it! We have a plum farm neighbor – those yummy Brooks plums that are always silvery gray at the stand in front of their house. That wipes right off as I eat several on my way home!! Well…apricots…yes please…in any form. I haven’t had a tasty apricot since moving out of my childhood house in 1964!!! Take care and stay cool in your long hot days!
Tanya, I can’t imagine living in NYC during the horrors of Sept. 11th. But I agree with you on firefighters, first responders and police officers. We are so lucky to have such trained men and women keeping us safe. Wish we lived close as I would deliver a bag of frozen apricots (as I have many!). I always look forward to your comments!
Well I am getting to the meanderings post very late this week. First things first: your legs are amazing.
I’d give anything to have your perfect awesome legs. (My father would say you have “nice stems!” LOL.
Wear anything you want, lady.
Such a great post = from the memorial run with your daughter to learning about bloom on fruit (thought it was insecticide too) and fairy eggs, your amazing magical forest tablescape, and much much more.
Thanks for a great post. Good luck with all the expense stuff – bleh – let’s go back to talking about the good stuff, right?
Michele, you are too funny! Yes I agree, let’s talk about good stuff as the rest of the world is filled with the other! And thanks for the compliment on my “stems”! Ha!
Mrs. Mary, beautiful charity table, can’t wait for the post to see the details. Be safe in your travels.
Crystal, Thank you. I think some locations don’t even have electricity so my hopes for blogging may be dashed. I’m sure I will have lots of stories when I return!
Happy Saturday my friend! Thanks for sharing all your happenings with us – I’m so amazed at everything you do! Congrats on your run. And that TABLE!!! I can’t wait for the details on that! Ho9pe you have a lovely relaxing weekend – you deserve it after the last two weeks!
Barbara, seriously, I was channeling you and Chloe as I put this table together. Cannot wait to write the post and share it. It was BIG hit!
So sorry for all the headaches you have gone thru. You are truly an amazing, strong woman and
handle whatever comes your way in amazing strength. The fruit looks amazing and will be trying
some of your ideas soon.
As for the deck a similar situation for me some years ago. Not one bit of fun. But fixed right gives
much satisfaction.
And a big thank you and daughter for the run. My nephew is fire and rescue in Hawaii.
Wishes for a better week.
Many thanks to your nephew~I have deep respect for police and fire personnel who run toward danger. Waiting for the deck to be complete so I can close that ugly chapter…!Thanks for commenting. Always love to hear from you.
Sorry about your well and really sorry about the deck! But thank you for your participation in the Yarnell walk/run. My son in law is a firefighter in New Orleans and this tragedy came too close to home. But being in New Orleans we know that time will heal and change comes but love and memories never die.
Robin, many thanks and deep gratitude for your son-in-law. I have such deep respect for police and fire personnel~yes, you are right that time does heal and it helps to have a loving and supportive community. It’s so nice that they honor those brave fire fighters and their families every year. Thanks for commenting.
Robin, deep appreciation and gratitude for your son-in-law and his work as a firefighter. Time and loving support certainly helps the healing process and I always feel so honored to participate each year. Thanks for commenting!
Love your weekly Saturday meanderings! You continue to amaze me with your culinary and decorating skills!
I second the wearing of skorts. A new finding for me. I highly recommend Athleta as well, very well made, super comfy, and when on sale, a steal!
Joanne, thanks for the tip and Athleta skorts. I will look for that brand…I cannot believe how comfy they are!
These desserts look amazing! I will have to give them a try.
Susan, Thank you!