Saturday Meanderings
Well, it’s mid-September and also, today is National Coloring Day. I wonder who comes up with these quirky commemorations but you may want to pull out your coloring book in recognition. It’s been such a busy week that I failed to post anything on Tuesday. We have returned to Phoenix from a summer in the mountains. There is so much to be done, especially in the yard which looks very tired and worn. Welcome to Saturday Meanderings, where we chat about good things this week. So appreciate you joining me.

Fifteen years ago, I have my first vertigo episode. We were traveling in Connecticut and I woken up in the middle of the night by one of those nerve neck stingers. Immediately my horizon tipped vertically, everything was spinning and I became gravely ill. When I returned to Phoenix, I discovered my neck was significantly out of alignment and I assumed that was the cause.

Nothing has occurred in the last 15 years until last Saturday. I was home alone and at first thought I was having a stroke. Very scary. But shortly after, the symptoms got much worse and again, I am having another bout of vertigo. Of course, this is the day I supposed to pick up 120 lbs. of tomatoes and drive back up to our cabin.
Long story short, it took nearly 5 hours for the symptoms to subside, however, I was wrung out from all the vomiting. Hoping to get to see an ear doctor soon as I never want to experience this again. There is little to no warning when it will strike.
If you have any information or experience with this, please let me know.
Tomato Canning Season Again
Fortunately, my daughter’s boyfriend picked up the tomatoes. Forty pounds gets delivered to my friend, Rick, whose recipe I use for my sauce. On Monday, my friend, Tevia and I get to work making tomato sauce and processing it in a hot-bath canning method.

This project is much more fun if you have helping hands. It took us all day but now we have delicious summer tomato sauce to use for the next year.

Here is a previous post on making this delicious 4 ingredient tomato sauce. Also, you can freeze the sauce too.
Fire Roasted Green Chile Jam

It has been a busy week in the kitchen. With an abundance of Hatch green chiles from our neighbor, I try this new recipe, Fire Roasted Green Chile Jam. That same night we try it on hamburgers and hotdogs and it is D.E.L.I.C.I.O.U.S.

I know that processing your own food is time-consuming. But there is something so rewarding about taking summer crops and preserving them. You cannot get a good tomato in January and all the effort pays off when you can enjoy homemade tasty food throughout the year.
A Little Fall Decorating
I am embarrassed to say I still have my Spring wreath on the front door. With traveling and leaving for a good portion of the summer, these things happen. It is nice to wipe down the front door from all the monsoon dust and put up my Fall wreath.

If you recall, I updated this wreath in 2022, by reusing the elements of 2 different wreaths. You can see that post here. While unwrapping it, I am still so pleased with how nicely it turned out.
I find these super cute (and soft) 13″ yellow pom pom picks at the Vintage Old Brick Market (more on that below). At $2.98 each, I buy 12. Of course, when I get home I want more, and a Google search finds them at a company called Piper Classics. Naturally they are less expensive and have free shipping for purchases over $50 too. Here is the link. For 6 14″ stems the price is $12.79 ($2.13 each). The yellow mustard color is perfect for fall decorating and the leaves are rather realistic too.

The pretty fall print boxes I find at Ivy and Sage Lifestyle Co.
Weekly Adventure
In attempts to fulfill my goal of exploring the area, my weekly adventure took me to The Vintage Old Brick House Market in Mesa, Arizona. Not only am I finding fun places to go, but my daughter, Elisabeth is excited to come with me.

Started by a group of friends who were selling vintage items out of their garage a few times a year, this market has turned into a highly anticipated monthly event, showcasing carefully curated items from 7 designers. Only open 4 days a month, the rest of the time the designers are preparing for the next event.

Currently the market is open until September 14th. Here is a link to their website so you can determine the next market dates. Right next door, there are a few really good restaurants if you want to grab a bite to eat.
Sweet Salvage on 7th Avenue in Phoenix has a similar concept and their next shopping days are September 19-22. If you have never been to one of these markets, you may just find a fun treasure.
Animals are back in Phoenix
Up at our cabin, dogs need to be on leashes in the neighborhood. Finn is not a leash dog, as he is bred to be the protector of the flock. However, I believe it was a good opportunity to do some training during the 4-7 month age range.

Here in Phoenix, we can just open the door and let the big fella out, where he can run around our 2 acres. He is almost 8 months old, but still such a puppy soul and runs with wild abandon. A recent trip to PetsMart (I should never be allowed to shop there alone), reaped several new chew toys for the pup.

We are becoming those empty nesters who treat their pets like children.
The Boys are Fishing
My husband is currently in Alaska with our son on a father-son fishing trip. As I am writing this, it is my son’s 29th birthday and I am happy he is with his dad, doing guy things.

Where did the time go? It seems like yesterday I was carrying him around on my hip. Looking forward to lots of fresh fish when they return.
One of My Favorite Instagram Accounts
I try to stay off social media as much as possible but I am so enjoying this account @aprilhaus. April and her husband are renovating her grandparents house on a budget and I love how innovative she is. For example, she couldn’t afford wallpaper so she hand painted her entry walls.

I love her innovation and what she has done with her own sweat equity is truly amazing. It is worth spending time on her account.
Terra Cotta Pumpkins like Pottery Barn
Wendy, from WM Design House, shares how to make these this easy DIY terra cotta pumpkin dupes, without the Pottery Barn price.

This step by step DIY is easy to understand and in no time, you will have beautiful terra cotta pumpkins. I’m not a crafty person but I want to try this. See it here.
Any fun plans for the weekend? I am trying to get caught up with all things community and home. We have some changes happening in the near future. Our daughter, Julianna received a wonderful job offer this week and will be moving to Austin, Texas in the next month. Though we will miss her being close by, this is a fabulous opportunity for her. Just trying to process having another child out of state.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend, filled with joy and relaxation.

Just a reminder that any words that are italicized bring you to the source. If it is a product on Amazon, please note that I am an Amazon Affiliate. If you purchase something through my website, I receive a small (very small!) stipend, which doesn’t affect the price you pay at all. My goal is to make sourcing the items easy for you. Thank you for your continued support.
Google Meniere’s disease…
Beatrice, thank you. Will do!
Glad you’re feeling better Mary! Keep us posted on what you discover.
Michele, thank you!
So sorry to hear that you are suffering from Vertigo, hopefully the doctor can help.
That is a lot of tomatoes! I am sure that the sauce is delicious. I’ve never had hatch Chile jam, that sounds interesting. Is it like salsa? What can you make with it?
I loved in Alaska, on Kodiak Island for 2.5 years as a child and loved it. I am sure that your husband and son are having an amazing time, it is a beautiful place.
Your pup is so sweet! I am sure he is happy to be running wild at home again.
Have a wonderful week.
Elizabeth, the Hatch Chile jam is a combination of spicy and sweet. We’ve used it on hamburgers, hotdogs, and my neighbor just spreads it on toast! The Hatch Chile gives it a very rich flavor, probably more so than a pepper jam. How fun that you lived in Alaska. The photos from their trip were really stunning. Thanks for weighing in. I love your blog and find such inspiration from it!
I feel so badly for you that you were all alone while struggling with all of those hours of vertigo. I hope it stays away for now. You work so hard in your kitchen and the food you prepare is always indicative of the time you put into it. I am sure Finn is happy to be able to run and play at his leisure!
Chloe, yes, being alone with vertigo was not fun. Hoping it’s a one and done. Still need to set up a meeting with an ear doc. Thanks for your sweet comments. Can’t wait for you to meet Finn in November!
I’m so sorry to hear that you are experiencing vertigo again. My dad did as well, and it’s terrible. Hopefully it will go away as quickly as it came back. You’ve been so busy in the kitchen! I can’t wait to try your tomato sauce recipe using my tomatoes from the garden. Sweet Finn is growing so quickly. He is too cute! Jax and Ollie will be happy to run around in the yard again after being leashed so much on our 5-week boat trip. Happy birthday to Benjamin. What a great picture. Hugs and prayers for you to feel healthy and well again very soon.
Kim, I bet your sweet dogs had fun on the boat but are happy on terra firma to run around to their hearts content. I hope to see you again so I can just sit and listen to all your boating stories. Thanks for your sentiments about my vertigo. Truly hoping it will not occur again.
Oh that vertigo is just horrible! Hope you find some answers
As always you just amaze me with all that you accomplish…everthing from your kitchen looks delicious. Your Autumnal wreath is so pretty and inviting on your front door! What a treat to be able to spend time with your daughter and your son with his dad…and such exciting news for your daughter and her new opportunity…sure miss them as they move out of state, don’t we? Thanks you for another informative post! Take good care!
Sue, Thank you so much for all your sweet remarks! Yes, my daughter will be moving next week~everything happened so suddenly and it’s been a whirlwind for her finding a place to live, organizing a move. I’m trying not to think about how much I will miss her. Thank goodness for Zoom, and FaceTime…