Saturday Meanderings
November. The 11th month of 2024. Already. Happy Saturday Meanderings day. I love writing this post and I cannot tell you how delighted I am when you take the time to share your thoughts and perspective. Honestly, your comments make my day. So on this first post of November, I want to thank you for being gracious and kind to me. Life at Bella Terra is a passion for me and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Halloween Dinner Party
Though we didn’t really do anything on October 31st, we did have a Halloween dinner party with friends and neighbors last Saturday. Being the first get together after our long, hot summer, it is so nice to see everyone again.

Last year, I bought a dozen witches hats and just having them hang from the ceiling, makes the outdoor terrace feel festive. Most of the scary decor focus is on the dinner table. Dishes are from Williams-Sonoma as the ones with the witches look so vintage. I mix these with another collection of spooky dishes (again, from Williams-Sonoma) featuring a raven, scorpion, snake and spider. Unfortunately, all styles are out of stock.

I am not a fan of paper napkins for a dinner party, but can you believe that I do NOT own a set of black cloth napkins? These black cat ones will do.

The centerpiece is really the most fun to create~dripping wax bottles with candles, skulls, skeletons, mice, black and purple leaves, old apothecary jars, and a dead floral arrangement (which I save from year to year).

Surprisingly, I do not have black tablecloth either, but find these black drapery panels in the barn and they suffice. It wouldn’t be Halloween without Mr. Bones, who shows up each year in different places. Here he is on the unfinished rocking chair that I need to complete. Add it to the list.
Lots of Training
As I mentioned last Saturday, I am working the polls on both Monday (early voting) and Tuesday (Election Day). With a total of 8 hours of training, I didn’t get much else done this week. The good news is that our county is improving its election process, with significant changes from previous elections.

I know we all want honest and fair elections and Maricopa County is stepping up this year by hiring 4,000 people to help work the voting centers. By Wednesday, I am guessing I will be exhausted, however, I will be happy to stop getting all those political texts, right?
Why I Love Gardening
Why do I love gardening? Each year I try and grow some fresh food for my family. Some years I am successful; others not so much. There is an inexplicable joy in seeing something grow. My fall garden is fairly new so there is not a lot of activity, but this little gorgeous gem appears this week.

I carefully pick it and even though it’s smaller than the huge strawberries you get in the grocery store, it is perfection. And guess what? It tastes like a strawberry! Pure joy.

Finn must be doing his job because I haven’t seen any evidence of garden predators to date!
Life in the Hen House
The 15 new baby chicks we got earlier in the year are laying up a storm. On any given day, we collect approximately 10 fresh eggs. The laying will slow down as the temperatures drop, but often times I see a traffic jam in the nesting boxes.

Check out this super cute stamp I received from ForestFoxPress on Etsy! I’m trying to master not smearing it on the egg cartons, but I love the design. If you are looking for a personalized stamp, this resource has quite the selection.

Holiday Styling Workshop
The holiday styling workshop is one week away! I am so excited to host this gathering again this year. My friend, Chloe from Celebrate and Decorate and Andrea, from Design Morsels are flying into Phoenix this week.

Generous donations from local businesses are filling up the swag bags. It will be a day of creativity, friendship and crafts. I cannot wait to share all the details with you, as this workshop will be even better than last year.
How Long do You Want to Live?
Elizabeth Francis, the oldest person in the U.S. and the third oldest person in the world died peacefully at the age of 115 on October 22nd. The longtime Houston resident lived with her 95-year-old daughter Dorothy Williams and her granddaughter, Ethel Harrison, who served as the supercentenarian’s primary caretaker, until her death, according to Houston Public Media.

William Taft was president when Francis was born in Louisiana on July 25, 1909. After her mother died when she was 11, she and her five siblings were sent to different homes. Francis ended up in Houston, where she was raised by her aunt and has lived since.
Dorothy, her only child, was born in 1928. Francis was a single mother, operating a coffee shop for almost 20 years before retiring in 1975. She moved in with her daughter in 1999 and has been there ever since. Incredibly, Francis didn’t need a wheelchair until she was 108.
“I just feel like living every day!” she told LongeviQuest’s Ben Meyers earlier this year. To read more about Elizabeth’s life, click here.
After reading this article, I started thinking about my Aunt Gail, who lived independently until she died a few months shy of her 101st birthday. If I have my health then I am all for living as long as I can. But 115? Wow! Your thoughts?
The Ultimate Advent Calendar
If you truly want a luxurious Christmas experience for yourself or someone else, My French Country Home has created an Advent Calendar box.

From their website:
Treat yourself or a loved one to the magic of the holidays with our exclusive MFCH Advent Box, filled with 24 individually wrapped surprises from some of France’s finest brands. Each gift, ranging from chic fashion accessories and artisanal edibles to luxurious cosmetics and elegant home décor, has been carefully curated to bring a touch of French sophistication to your December.
- Exclusive Collection: Each item is a new discovery or a different variation in color or style, ensuring that even our most loyal customers will experience something special this season.
- Hand-Wrapped & Numbered: Each gift is beautifully packaged in our custom holiday wrapping, making the countdown to Christmas a daily delight.
- A Treasure Trove for Christmas and Beyond: Delivered in a stunning box that doubles as the perfect storage solution for your holiday decorations.
- Limited Availability: Only a small number of these exclusive Advent Boxes are available – don’t miss your chance to make this holiday season truly special.
Priced at $550.00 it includes shipping. To order, click on the MFCH image on the right hand margin of my blog post. Not only will you get a wonderful item, but I will get a little bit of credit too.
Next Week
It will be a very busy one for me~2 days of election work; guests in from out of town and last minute preparations for the styling workshop. I hope to manage a haircut in there too. Thought I might try a new do and here’s my inspiration. Just wish my hair was as thick as hers.

Happy November! Wishing you a relaxing, enjoyable and happy weekend. Stay safe out there.

Just a reminder that any words that are italicized bring you to the source. If it is a product on Amazon, please note that I am an Amazon Affiliate. If you purchase something through my website, I receive a small (very small!) stipend, which doesn’t affect the price you pay at all. My goal is to make sourcing the items easy for you. Thank you for your continued support.
Lots of awesomeness this weekend for your post. Your darling strawberry – whoo hoo! I adore your frightful tablescape and those plates are perfect. Best wishes for a good voting days work. God bless American. Keep it honest, but it is truly impossible to believe anything is anymore. But that’s negative. Miss Francis – wow. That’s increible. Longevity isn’t in my genes. My folks died young. But to have a 95 year old daughter is amazing. May Miss Francis rest in peace.
Michele, working 2 days at the election site is very rewarding and very exhausting. For the most part, everyone is excited to vote and friendly/positive. Our county put in extra safety nets this year vs. 2020 and I was happy to see more stringent standards. My hope for the next 4 years is to put aside the hate, fix the deficit and create an environment where everyone is safe and life is more affordable. Hate eats away at your soul. Nothing is worth that. Gotta love Miss Francis and her family. That’s what it is all about.
Another wonderful post! LOVE the egg stamp! Thank you for your volunteering. We voted early and am thankful!
I love that a 95 year old cared for her 115 year old mother! Wow!. My mother passed at 55, grandma at 66. Now that I am 68 I hope God gives me more years to be a art of my grandchildrens’ lives
Much success at your event next week
Really wish I could have come.
Karleen, I wish our society focused on better care of our elderly. I agree, I love the relationship the 115-year old had with her daughter and granddaughter. Wish you were coming to the Holiday Style Workshop too!
Your Halloween table is outstanding and inspiring! Some terrific ideas for next year. My father in law, who lives in Phoenix, is a very healthy 98. Loves a good party, always has a lady, plays bridge, walks on his own, is 6’6” tall and goes to LGO for coffee with his granddaughter (37) monthly. I want to be just like him … too much too miss!
Shaun, your father sounds like quite the character~good for him!!! Yes, I want to live a long life but must be healthy and with it…hoping my genes are good. Thanks for sharing…love that he lives in Phoenix, too!
While I’m not in your county I thank you for stepping up for this necessary job. I hope it goes smoothly and all of the people working the polls are treated with respect and are safe. I don’t have chickens but I take care of feral cats and have the hen nesting pads in the cat’s heated shelter boxes. I like them because there is very little mess. Love you egg carton stamp. Do you sell your eggs?
Dee, just today, my husband said I should let everyone know that our eggs ARE for sale! This week is a little crazy with the election, but next week we could certainly meet and do an egg exchange. Please send me an email at [email protected]!
Mrs. Mary, I enjoy reading all of your post. You are always informative and creative. I really like the hairstyle, it will look cute on you. You can see the sweet inquisitiveness in Finn’s eyes. Hope y’all have a wonderful workshop.
Crystal, thank you so much for sweet comments. I’m squeezing in a haircut Thursday morning so we’ll see what happens! Yes, it’s hard to stay mad with Finn as he knows how to bat those eyes at me!
Thank you again for your work as a poll worker and your advocacy for the safety of polls. Countering misinformation is so very important. Love the Halloween table-setting!!
Leila, Thank you so much for your kind words. The two days at the polls should be fun. Last time I worked everyone was so nice and it felt like a very patriotic thing to do.
And she grew her own vegetables. I guess I better get my garden going if I want to live to 115!
Busy week! Looking forward to the workshop!!
Tevia, yes, I saw that! We should talk about your garden here in Phoenix. We have a pretty good growing season…from October to June.
❤️ the hair style! We voted early…highly recommend. My mom lived to 94…the last 10 years were horrible…gee, better make the most of it…and, it’s not far off, if that’s the case… franki
Franki, yes, we have to make the most of it! Health is wealth!
I love seeing pictures of Finn and his rapscallion ways. He is undoubtedly enjoying himself. But I haven’t seen much of Donovan of late. How is he and Finn getting along? He is such a handsome fellow!
Living to 115? Don’t spend much time thinking about length of my life. Just want to enjoy whatever time is left and leave that up to Heavenly Father. Just pray I don’t outlive my child.
Another great post Mary. Thank you.
Valerie, you are right, I haven’t posted pictures of Donovan. He is a wise, sage cat and giving Finn a wide berth. Next post, I will include him. Finn feels like the new baby in the house so all the time and attention has been going to him. Regarding, living….I completely agree. I never want to outlive my children. That would be horrible. I am just taking the best care I can of the body and mind God gave me…hopefully it will last for a bit longer!