Fall Equals More Outdoor Living
I understand some of the country is having extremely cold weather. But here in Phoenix, we are experiencing ideal fall temperatures. The air conditioners are officially off and windows are open. It’s time to remove the outdoor furniture covers and spend time outside for the next several months.
One of the entertaining spaces at Bella Terra is the back terrace. This was added during our extensive historical renovation, replacing a small landing and steps down to the pool.

Connected to the new kitchen addition, the back terrace can be accessed from the interior of the house through the kitchen, library and family room. It’s the perfect place for entertaining under cover.

The area is split into two functions. There is seating around the fireplace. All upholstery is Sunbrella fabric. The furniture was purchased several years ago from Crate and Barrel. We cover the furniture during the summer months and it has held up nicely over time.

The outdoor rugs are a relatively new purchase from the Rug Studio. These indoor/outdoor rugs are so affordable and can be cleaned with a garden hose. I love the pop of color and whimsy they add to the space.

The other half of the terrace is home to a large table with 10 chairs. The BBQ and sink is nearby.

The back terrace overlooks the pool. Space heaters were added to the ceiling and are used frequently during the winter months.
The repeating arches is an abundant architectural feature of our 1910 historical home.

I gathered some flower clippings from the yard and used my favorite faux bois outdoor containers from the Painted Fox.

Of course, what is a photo shoot without my faithful companions.Sox is curled up on a chair below and Cooper, our Anatolian shepherd is in a few of the photos above.

I hope you are enjoying the cooler temperatures and I look forward to the start of our entertaining season!

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Yes, we are enjoying the cooler temperatures! I love this terrace and the rugs do add a pop of whimsical color. Such a great entertaining area…
Have you ever shared the library of Bella Terra? I feel like I haven’t seen it and would looooooove to see the home for your books, is it that kind of library?
Thanks again for sharing!!