A Few of my Favorite Things

Do you have a favorite item or part of your home that brings a smile to your face or a boost to your spirit? These are the things that if you had to move, you would definitely take them with you.
I suppose organizing guru, Marie Kondo would say these items “spark joy”. In the quiet mornings, when I walk around the house with my cup of coffee, I feel so grateful to be in a place I love. Here are a few of my favorite possessions.
The chair above is a grand, old chair. It was covered in some ghastly burgundy material and I am so happy with the lighter, playful fabric chosen for the back. The seat is a neutral linen. Both fabrics highlight the carved detail of the frame. This is the type of chair that when you sit in it, you feel like royalty.
My tulipieries. I first spotted these during a trip to Amsterdam and have always wanted a pair. I purchased them last year from The Enchanted Home and love to fill them with a variety of flowers. They ooze happiness!

The Wedgwood Wild Strawberry tea set was discovered during a shopping trip to Harrods in London many years ago. I remember having sticker shock because I thought the price was in euros vs. the British pound. But I was at the register and wasn’t about to put them back, so I swallowed hard and probably hid the receipt from my husband! Definitely one of those well-worthwhile purchases.

The pastry rack that sits on the kitchen island is the perfect size to break up the expanse of the countertop. Each season I decorate it and it feels unique and rather French. Don’t recall where I got it, but it’s a keeper.

Our duvet cover is Shore Rose by Taylor Linens. Each night when I tuck myself into bed, just looking at this sweet fabric makes me happy. It’s soothing and peaceful.

I found this ornate carving of Mary and baby Jesus in an antique store in northern Arizona. I have never seen one with an oval glass dome on an oval wooden base. I change out the flowers surrounding the statue with the season. It’s hard to get a good picture of the details due to the reflection in the glass, but it’s a beautiful piece and one that I cherish.

My first oil painting. I finally had it framed and it sits on a small easel on the living room sofa table. It was intimidating to take an oil class at the Scottsdale Artist School with master painters, but I like the results.

Our dining room chandelier was brought with us from our last home. Illuminated once by candlelight, we had it wired for today’s use. This would definitely come with us to a new house. It is elegant but not too gaudy.

The antique sofa that sits in our master bedroom was a purchase from the Brimfield Antique Show. Covered in French grain sacks, it was in our barn for years as I pondered what to do with it. Finally, a friend suggested a large houndstooth fabric and voila! It took the upholsterer several months to do it, but I love how it turned out.

Lastly, during a trip to Paris with my dear friend, Susan, I purchased several glass Christmas ornaments. I keep them in a footed trifle bowl on a living room end table all year round. They are so pretty and I can clearly remember that cold day in November when I purchased them and carefully carried them back to the States.

There are so many things I love here at our home, but these items speak to me daily. This year I would like to go room to room and get rid of those things that are just filling space, but do not fill my soul. What do you have in your everyday life that makes your heart happy?
Happy Tuesday, my dear friends!

Just a reminder that any words that are italicized bring you to the source. If it is a product on Amazon, please note that I am an Amazon Affiliate. If you purchase something through my website, I receive a small (very small!) stipend, which doesn’t affect the price you pay at all. My goal is to make sourcing the items easy for you. Thank you for your continued support.
Everything in my house speaks to me. My house is a collection of 40yrs. When we downsized 7yrs. ago it was really hard to let go of things because I buy what I love and enjoy looking at. I said i would not have bought if i didn’t love it so why get rid of it…..lol, but when you downsize something has to go! Home and garden has been my passion since 16yrs. old. I have 5 old chairs carved similar to yours in my family room. And I collect religious icons. Love the houndstooth on your sofa! And glad you posted your favorite things…love seeing pretty things!!
Your collection sounds wonderful! I love religious icons too. I once, many years ago, used an interior designer. Biggest mistake but at the time I had a big career and was traveling a lot. He filled the house with just stuff and over the years, I have slowly gotten rid of it. None of it represented me or my family or any memories. The house may have looked nice but there wasn’t a personality with it. My home may never be designer worthy, but quite frankly, anyone can have a house like that. One that is filled with cherished and loved items is the best! Thanks for sharing a bit of your home!
Amen to that Mary!
Each photo is a masterpiece…definitely sparked joy for me. Just lovely.
Thank you! I am so glad to see your name. I tried reaching out to you after the Inspire workshop but was unsuccessful. Hope all is well your way.
Love it!!
Wow your painting looks great! Have you ever taken an online painting class that was any good?
Andrea, I have subscribed to an online painting class. I did it because I do not take any classes over the summer months and I wanted to continue to be inspired to paint. Kelli Folsom is the artist and she does still life paintings in an old master way. She releases a video every Friday. I’m embarrassed to say I have only painted one or two because I didn’t have the correct technology to watch the video (hard to do on a small phone screen). I have recently added a television we recycled from our little cabin to my art room and I think it will be much easier to watch her. The art room is not set up properly but eventually I’ll get it organized. Makes a bit of a difference to have a place to paint. You can find her online at kellifolsom.com