A Rare Super Blue Moon Shines Tonight~the Last One until 2037
Don’t forget to look up at the night time sky tonight and tomorrow to view a rare super blue moon. If you miss it, you will have to wait 14 years to catch the next one. I am sure you have heard the saying “once in a blue moon” referring to something rare, well super blue moons are even less frequent.

What is a Blue Moon?
Blue moons are not actually blue. The term signifies a second full moon within a single month. In August, the Sturgeon Moon occurred on August 1st. Wednesday’s moon will be the closest full supermoon in 2023! This will be the 3rd of 4 super moons in a row. It may not look bigger but it will certainly look brighter.

What is a Super Moon?
Super moons are generally bigger and about 16% brighter than your average moon. The moon will be 222,043 miles away. Comparatively, the average distance between Earth and the moon is 240,000 miles
But There is More happening in the sky!
This big, bright rare moon won’t be the only exciting thing to spot in the sky on Wednesday evening. Not only will the moon be spectacular, but Saturn is also supposed to be at its biggest and brightest. As the sun sets, the moon near Saturn will rise in the east. In fact, you will be able to see them both all night long, traveling across the sky.

Look for a bright point of light near the moon~that will be the planet Saturn. According to Earth Sky, you don’t need any optical aids to enjoy this spectacular pairing. At the closest, the duo will be two degrees~the width of four full moons~apart.

Why is Saturn at its brightest now?
On August 27, Earth flew between Saturn and the sun. It’s a wonderful time to see it now, rising in the east in the evening and setting in the west at sunrise. Opposition marks the best time of the year to see Saturn, or any outer planet. At opposition, the ringed planet shines at it brightest for 2023. It is also when Saturn is closest to Earth in 2023. Any small backyard telescope will show the rings of Saturn.

When our children were small, we would go out on the front porch and howl at the full moon. Remember to look up for the full blue and super moon near Saturn on August 30~31 and howl to your heart’s content!

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I love that you and your kids howled at the full moon. We all need to have more fun in our lives! Thanks for the info. I’ll be out on our deck tonight!
Thank you so much for this beautiful and informative post, Mary!
Great post! Thank you!! And I love the mental picture of all of you howling!
Ha – me too Barbara! I bet Mary’s a very good howler!