Raising Chickens and Our Custom Henhouse
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Raising Chickens and Our Custom Henhouse

When we first bought our historic home, the property and house were in a terrible state of decay and disrepair. The 2 acre parcel was heavily overgrown and filled with bugs and Bark scorpions. In order to reduce the bug population, we had free range guinea hens to take care of the problem organically. I…

The Importance of Good Friends
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The Importance of Friendship and Kindness

Yesterday I was feeling out of sorts.  Blah.  Not physically sick but emotionally restless.  I try exercising and that didn’t fix it.  I eat healthy food all day to no avail.  Typically I wake up each morning in a happy state ready to tackle the day with lots of focused energy.  But on this day,…

Who Loves a Good Before and After Photo?
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Who Loves a Good Before and After Photo?

I just love looking at pictures of Before and After shots, mostly for home design and decor, but also weight loss, or hair styles. Why are we so drawn to seeing the Before and After or drastic changes? I believe it’s because we always hope to do better and seeing improvement means making progress. It’s…