Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday! Often after a very busy week, I just want to catch up with you on Saturday morning. In the past I have entitled these posts, Saturday Meanderings. I hope you enjoy these as much as I do, but I need your feedback. Please let me know if: 1) you enjoy Saturday Meanderings; 2)…

Happy First Day of Fall 2020
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Happy First Day of Fall 2020

Today fall begins in the United States and everywhere else in the northern hemisphere. The autumn equinox — also known as the autumnal equinox, the fall equinox or the September equinox — occurs when the sun moves directly over the Earth’s Equator, bringing virtually the same amount of daylight and darkness on that particular day. Happy…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Thank you for joining me today as I share my Saturday meanderings. Happy Labor Day weekend! If you ask most people, they probably don’t realize why this is a federal holiday. In 1894 Congress passed an act making the first Monday in September of each year a legal holiday. Labor Day celebrates the social and…

Life at Bella Terra’s Greatest Hits
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Life at Bella Terra’s Greatest Hits

Thank you for visiting my blog on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday! I am so grateful to my faithful readers and all the new people who are joining us every week. Your comments and questions make my day. Since many of you are new, I thought it might be fun to share some oldies but goodies….

Cleaning out the Potting Shed
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Cleaning out the Potting Shed

What started out as cleaning the windows to the well tower, turned into a full day of cleaning out the potting shed. The potting shed occupies the first level of the well tower. If you are new to the blog, the well tower is just that, it houses the well, which we re-activated when we…