Why We Bought a Multi-purpose Steam Cleaner
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Why We Bought a Multi-purpose Steam Cleaner

For a very long time, I have wanted a multi-purpose steam cleaner. Conversations about steam cleaners did increase during the pandemic as high heat is a way to kill bacteria and viruses. Since we love our portable Little Green Bissell for cleaning upholstery, this canister steam cleaner is similar in size and convenience. Today’s post…

Easy DIY Project with a Huge Visual Impact
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Easy DIY Project with a Huge Visual Impact

During my very quick trip up to the cabin for the Labor Day weekend, I finally tackled a project that has been bugging me for years. Our cabin’s exterior is cedar plank with 4 over 4 windows and multiple sliding doors. All the windows have anodized bronze frames, a deep brown to blend in with…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Hello and Happy Saturday! I have so much to share this week and so glad you are here today. As you know, Saturday Meanderings is an opportunity to look at the week and hopefully all good things. I just returned from 6 days in Chicago moving my son and his girlfriend into their new apartment….

How to Improve and Organize Wasted and Messy Bathroom Storage Space
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How to Improve and Organize Wasted and Messy Bathroom Storage Space

When we first designed the master bathroom, I had visions of having a special spot for make-up application near my sink vanity. I’m not sure what I was thinking, because I do not wear a lot of make-up, and if I do, the application takes about 1 minute. So for the last 22 years, I…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Where did the week go? My husband is up at our cabin and it’s just been the dogs, cat and myself here. Lots of stormy, swampy weather made me want to just curl up and read a book. But, noooooo. Instead I am doing all the piddly chores that need to get done, but without…