Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

I seriously do not understand how fast August is flying by~especially these last two weeks. Happy last Saturday of August and it’s hard to believe the Labor Day weekend is next week. We are so lucky to still be enjoying the cooler mountains of Arizona and lately, I can certainly feel a touch of autumn…

Reworking Space: From Home Office to Guest Bedroom
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Reworking Space: From Home Office to Guest Bedroom

Last November, we hosted family at our cabin for Thanksgiving. In determining who would sleep where, we decide to take our home office room on the first floor and convert it into a guest bedroom. This particular room is at the end of a hall with its own bathroom, so it makes sense for our…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Can this possibly be the next to the last Saturday in August? Part of me is trying to milk the most out of the last bit of summer because once Fall hits, then we are in full stride toward the holidays. There is something about the “lazy days of summer” that resonates right now. We…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

From the extreme temperatures and the raging fires in Hawaii, Mother Nature is having a heyday. Our prayers are with those in Maui who are dealing with the devastation. We feel like we are in our mountain cocoon, where life is quiet and we are blessed with afternoon rains. Even though the retail stores are…

Christmas in July…Inspiration starts with a Fireplace Mantel Focal Point
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Christmas in July…Inspiration starts with a Fireplace Mantel Focal Point

Welcome to Life at Bella Terra! Thank you for being here today as I am excited to share Christmas in July inspiration with 16 other bloggers. If you are coming here for the first time, welcome. If you are a current subscriber, thank you so much for your support. We are blessed with having a…