Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday from sweltering Phoenix! We are now on our 20th day of excessive heat and we are so grateful for our air conditioners. I know many parts of the country are experiencing very high temperatures and I hope this blog post finds you cool and sipping a fabulous icy drink. It’s time for Saturday…

Prime Day Tips, Benefits and Favorites
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Prime Day Tips, Benefits and Favorites

 I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with Amazon. But since my blog is all about beauty and kindness, I will just share what I love. I find it amazing that you can order something in the morning and you have by the afternoon or the next day. Shopping online proves to be almost…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

After a 3 week hiatus from blogging, our international travels are over and I am back in Phoenix. Happy Saturday and I hope you enjoyed a patriotic and relaxing July 4th week. The last time I missed July 4th in the United States was in 2014 when we were stuck at JFK airport coming back…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy first Saturday of June! Typically by now we are experiencing the summer heat, but I must say our weather has been just gorgeous! Mornings in the low 60s and highs in the low 90s. The next few days may get to triple digits but the forecast is lower temperatures for most of next week!…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy last Saturday of May! Wait, what? That’s right another month just shushing by..unbelievable. Thank you for joining me on this Memorial Day Saturday Meanderings weekend to chat about all good things this week. I hope this post finds you happy, healthy and full of vim and vigor. What is vim, by the way? It…