Easy Kitchen Updates
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Easy Kitchen Updates

This past weekend I did do more window washing and tackled the job of cleaning the range hood. Using a newly recommended product from my friend, Andrea from Design Morsels, I am amazed at the results. A weekend of cleaning resulting in also doing some easy kitchen updates. But let’s start with this new product….

Spring Front Porch Ideas
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Spring Front Porch Ideas

After putting up the new tulip wreath on the front door, the rest of the porch looks a bit tired after winter. If you missed yesterday’s post on how to make the front door tulip wreath, click here. Inspired by the pinks of this wreath, I am excited to come up with some new Spring…

Valentine Dinner Party Ideas, Part 2
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Valentine Dinner Party Ideas, Part 2

So happy you are here with me today to see the Valentine Dinner Party Ideas, Part 2 blog post. If you missed Part 1 yesterday, you can view it here. There is so much that goes into this party, it would be overwhelming to do it in one post, so I hope you enjoy the…

Valentine Dinner Party Ideas, Part 1
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Valentine Dinner Party Ideas, Part 1

Most of our entertaining is rather casual, but once a year we try to have a formal event that requires a bit more planning. Since the pandemic hit, almost all entertaining here is done outside in the fresh air with a small number of people. Today, I want to share the Valentine Dinner party we…

Valentine’s Day Decor
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Valentine’s Day Decor

Happy February! The next few weeks are one of my favorites because of all the pinks, reds and romance we see before Valentine’s Day. It’s not quite spring but it is fun to decorate parts of the house with Valentine’s Day decor. The front porch is a good place to start. I am doing something…