A Peek into Our Home Office
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A Peek into Our Home Office

Here is a peek into our home office. I have not shown this room before, probably because it tends to get messy! The home office is located upstairs between my art room and the master bedroom. As much of our home interior is painted white and neutral colors, the office space is more masculine and…

Life at Bella Terra’s Greatest Hits
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Life at Bella Terra’s Greatest Hits

Thank you for visiting my blog on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday! I am so grateful to my faithful readers and all the new people who are joining us every week. Your comments and questions make my day. Since many of you are new, I thought it might be fun to share some oldies but goodies….

Update~Stenciling a Bathroom Floor
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Update~Stenciling a Bathroom Floor

Back in July, I shared with you a project I have been wanting to try ~ stenciling a tile floor. Well, I finally started and I have got to tell you, this project is kicking my butt. I just re-read my first post about this (click here to read), and my enthusiasm is high. Well,…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

After being out of town for 12 days, I’m feeling a bit lost here at home. The stacks of mail, bills need to be paid and I just don’t feel like doing much of anything in 111 degree heat. Seems like all the good relaxing vibes fly right out the window and are replaced with…

A Woodland Table
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A Woodland Table

Since it is still summer, it is almost hard to think ahead to fall or winter. But during a very chilly day at our mountain cabin, I was inspired to put together this woodland table. Actually, with some different elements it could also be a summer camping/s’more theme. It was fun for me to put…