Getting Ready to Stencil a Wood Floor
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DIY~Stenciling a Wood Floor

We are fortunate to head to the mountains for the holiday weekend. Typically that means rest and relaxation, but instead I am tackling a DIY project~stenciling a wood floor. The weather this particular afternoon was chilly and hailing…very conducive to working indoors. To see more of our mountain cabin, click here. The space needing improvement…

E-commerce subscriptions and Gift ideas
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E-commerce subscriptions and Gift ideas

I am not the most current on trends, but I find the concept of e-commerce subscriptions fascinating. My first encounter was Stitch Fix, nearly five years ago.  Stitch Fix, is a company that mails you a monthly box of clothing and accessories. The items are hand-picked by Stitch Fix’s 3,500 full- and part-time stylists, who…

A Little Peace and Quiet
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A Little Peace and Quiet

My husband and I spent the weekend in the mountains of Arizona.  It was SO peaceful and quiet.  Since my life is rather frenetic and busy, there is not much down time. It wasn’t until I was the midst of serenity and stillness that I realized how much I miss the absence of noise. For…

My Daughter’s Bedroom
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My Daughter’s Bedroom

When we first remodeled Bella Terra, the original intention of this room was to be a computer/TV/hang out room for our then 2 children.  But God works in strange ways and I became pregnant with our 3rd child in the middle of our 3 year renovation.  Of course the doctor had told me that it…

August Happenings
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August Happenings

August is like the Sunday of Summer…..unknown I am finally back in town.  As much as I love to travel, transitioning back home is a bit of work. Luggage to unpack, bills to pay, dead plants to discard, laundry to do~~in addition to the mental shift of getting back into the swing of things. My…