Coffee/Beverage Center Re-do
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Coffee/Beverage Center Re-do

The lifeblood of our household revolves around the kitchen, especially the coffee/tea counter. In the mornings, this portion of the kitchen is crowded, with each family member making their favorite beverage. For my daughter, it is tea in all its forms-loose leaf, tea bags, compressed blocks that require specific water temperatures and steeping times. For…

My birthday surprise at Blackberry Farm
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My birthday surprise at Blackberry Farm

Today is my birthday! My husband asked me what I’d like to do today and I said I wanted to go BACK to Blackberry Farm. A year ago was a BIG birthday for me and it’s hard not to reminisce about the fabulous surprise birthday trip to Blackberry Farm in Walland, Tennessee. Traveling to Blackberry…

Painting/Stenciling a Concrete Floor
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Painting/Stenciling a Concrete Floor

At the Willetta restoration, we created a large closet off of the dining room by enclosing a portion of an old adjacent storage area.  The purpose of this room is to become the silver, crystal, linen and china closet.  I’ve always wanted a separate space to store my “stuff”- large trays, candlesticks, tablecloths, dishes, silverware…