Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Thank you for joining me today as I share my Saturday meanderings. Happy Labor Day weekend! If you ask most people, they probably don’t realize why this is a federal holiday. In 1894 Congress passed an act making the first Monday in September of each year a legal holiday. Labor Day celebrates the social and…

Life at Bella Terra’s Greatest Hits
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Life at Bella Terra’s Greatest Hits

Thank you for visiting my blog on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday! I am so grateful to my faithful readers and all the new people who are joining us every week. Your comments and questions make my day. Since many of you are new, I thought it might be fun to share some oldies but goodies….

All Things July 4th
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All Things July 4th

holidays We always look forward to going to our cabin for the July 4th holiday. It is much cooler in the mountains of Arizona and this area has a nice small town feel. The highlight is the July 4th parade, which started many years ago by a wonderful neighbor who believed this holiday needed proper…

Picking, Making and Baking
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Picking, Making and Baking

You know how much I love gardening, and I am far from complaining. But everything is reaching its prime at the same time. The peaches, apricots, tomatoes, figs, artichokes, fennel, sorrel and soon to be apples are being harvested now. Tomatoes But unlike store bought produce, my homegrown fruits and vegetables don’t last days on…