Cherishing November

I love the month of November. This calm and quiet month is often overlooked, as it is stuck between spooky Halloween and sparkly Christmas rarely getting the attention it deserves.  To me, November is the resting month before the frantic pace of the holidays. Cherishing shorter days, longer nights. Can’t we slow down life’s fast pace a bit? Because this year, more than most, it feels like time is spinning out of control and flying by. November marks the beginning of winter and a slower seasonal cycle.

Faux Bois vases similar

I don’t know if it is because I was raised in New England, but fall is a favorite time of year.  November is my “pause” month.  A time to decrease stress and synch my rhythms to the earth. Now is when I notice the change in the angle of the sun and how the light is soft and golden. It seems appropriate to be mindful, present, and save up our energy for the busy days ahead.

Fall Front Steps

November temperatures are now consistently cool in Phoenix causing our leaves to start changing colors.  This month we celebrate both Veterans Day and Thanksgiving, holidays without presents or fanfare. November and Thanksgiving….is truly a time when we can focus on the most important things: giving thanks to our family, friends and food. 

Thankful pillow similar

Did you know that November also includes such holidays like National Cinnamon Day, National Doughnut Day, National Spicy Hermit Cookie, National Gingerbread Cookie Day, National Red Mitten Day and National Homemade Bread Day? Who knew, right? But it’s no surprise because it’s appropriate feel quite cozy in November.

Our front porch

Typically, I avoid everything and anything Christmas until the day after Thanksgiving. But it’s hard to do that, when holiday items fill the shelves before Halloween. Even Hallmark starts its countdown to Christmas movies long before I am ready. Social media starts the Christmas buzz early too. But instead of resisting it, I am keeping an open mind.

The bloggers who have thousands of followers are already decorating for Christmas.  Many are putting up their Christmas trees and decorations the day after Halloween.

An fall afternoon

But here at Bella Terra, the Christmas holiday starts here when Santa makes his appearance in New York after the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade.

Our autumn decorations will stay up until November 25th. The exception this year is the beautifully decorated Christmas mantel Chloe Crabtree designed in our living room for our Fall Styling Workshop. It is so beautiful and I’m almost tempted to leave it up all year!

Wheat sheaves similar

My hopes for this month is to slow down, welcome the changes the earth will provide us and ease gracefully into the holidays ahead.

Walk in the woods

Do you love November too? Wishing you many joyful and beautiful moments this month. Happy November, dear friends.



















Making a Harvest Wreath from Your Garden

This year, I did save some of my garden produce and flowers in order to make a Harvest Wreath. The autumn represents the end of the growing season in most areas. Even though, here, we start our gardens in the fall, most of the summer plants have gone to seed or have been harvested. If you have never made a wreath from dried materials, it’s a simple and affordable way to celebrate this time of year.

Wreath Base

18″ Grapevine wreath at Michaels for $5.99

Michaels is currently having great bargain pricing on wreath frames. This 18″ grapevine wreath is only $5.99 and it is the base I choose for my Harvest wreath. I tried finding this price on Amazon, but it’s quite a bit more.

Wreath Materials

I love growing artichokes for eating but did you know they are beautiful after they go to seed? Their brilliant purple “crew cut” is very fun to touch. I always let a few stay on the plant and dry them for later projects.

Artichoke going to seed on the vine

Here is what this artichoke looks like once it has dried.

Dried Artichokes

Remember my spring poppies? Here are the pods that remain after the blossoms are gone. Vents appear at the top and when the plant leans over, all the poppy seeds fall to the ground for next year’s flowers.

Poppy pod

The dried pods looks like this and are perfect to add to a wreath.

Dried poppy pods

Any faux fall leaves will work depending on how much color you want or need to add to the wreath. I will use neutral or light brown maple leaves like this~purchased at Hobby Lobby, but you can find similar online or at Michaels.

Faux fall leaves

Wheat sheaves, cattails, pinecones and dried thistle are a few fall items you can also add.

Other Items Needed

Assembling the Wreath

For this diameter wreath, I will use 7 (I like odd numbers) dried artichokes. Attach the base of the flower to the wreath with a glue gun. One of my subscribers suggests keeping a bowl of ice water nearby as it is easy to get the hot gun glue on your fingers (ouch!). A very great and helpful tip.

Attaching artichokes to wreath frame

Using a wire cutter, cut the light brown maple leaves from their stems.

Use a wire cutter to remove leaves

Add the leaves, again with the glue gun, as a backdrop to the artichokes.

Artichokes and leaves attached

Here is where you can add whatever you want to give the wreath a more lush feel. I add sheaves of wheat which has a completely different texture.

Adding sheaves of wheat

Since I need to break up the space between the artichokes, I add pinecones.

Adding pinecones to fill spaces

Dried thistle (prickly so be careful) is used because it is in the purple family, though faded with drying. Narrow, smaller cattails bring some foundation to the wreath and only placed on the bottom end.

Thistle brings another shade of purple to the wreath

Even though the colors are similar and neutral, the textures and shapes of the elements makes it interesting.

Different textures and shapes

This wreath is hanging on the back Dutch door and I love that it represents our garden harvest and items from nature. The cost is minimal (the wreath) and the rest is free from Mother Nature.

Inexpensive yet pretty wreath

Artichokes grow very well here so if you have never planted any, you may want to try. Typically I plant them in the spring for an early summer harvest.

I hope you try this DIY as you will get a great deal of satisfaction using beautiful, natural items from your life.

If you enjoy this post, please share on Pinterest.

Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday, friends! It is beautiful fall weather here in Phoenix. Why we couldn’t have had this last week for the Fall Styling Workshop I do not know. Cobalt blue skies, 58 degrees at night and warm during the day. Ahhhh, finally. This is the last Saturday Meanderings in October! What? Wait? How did that happen? October is one of my favorite months and it blew by. Welcome to Saturday Meanderings where we chat about all good things this week.

Dusk in the palm orchard

Post Workshop Blues

As I organize and put things away from the Fall Styling Workshop, I’m feeling a bit blue. Not sure if I’m just tired or still recuperating from my kidney stone debacle. Last week our home was filled with friends and activities. Unfortunately, I received notice of the death of a neighbor and someone at church, too. This week is very quiet~perhaps it’s just the contrast. So I am trying to do things that fill my soul and resting a bit more than usual. Do you experience a let down after a big event?

Using Vintage Items for Flower Arrangements

We have a thrift store nearby (The Assistance League Thrift Boutique) that often has fabulous items at a very low price. A few months ago, I pick up these sweet cream soup bowls. I am alway amazed at how big contemporary dishes have become with larger serving sizes.

Vintage cream soup bowl

Chloe (Celebrate and Decorate) put these bowls to good use and made 5 flower arrangements with alstroemeria, carnations, mums, roses and greens.

Pretty floral arrangement in cream soup bowl

Personally, I never thought to use these bowls in this way, but how clever! My recollection is that I spent about $2.50 per bowl. Would love to create Christmas arrangements and deliver them to all my neighbors as an attractive and affordable holiday gift.

Easy to do with wet floral foam

Face Yoga

Have you heard of face yoga?

Face yoga works by targeting individual muscles in the face, either through certain facial movements or massaging your face with your hands and fingers.

Though these exercise won’t grow back lost fat in the face—only injections or cosmetic surgery can do that—they may help to bulk up some of the muscles.

Japanese yoga expert Koko Hayash

I just signed up for face yoga sessions through the DailyOM called The 10-Minute Method to Naturally Tighten Your Face by Sadie Nardini. You may have to search for it as I tried linking to it and nothing happened.

Right now, I have completed 50% of the course and find myself doing weird face exercises in the shower, while I drive, etc. My face muscles are very tired upon completion of the exercise. I took a Before picture and will snap another in a month and see if there is any improvement. We can only hope.

Ginger Pear and Walnut Tart

Back in September, I shared a stunning video of Lisa from Celebrate Creativity making a ginger pear and walnut tart. Well, I made it this week and it is delicious. However, instead of using a 16″x4″ tart pan, I only have an 8″x8″ one. Since the area is the same (64″), I figure the same measurements will work. The recipe calls for 4 pears, but 2 pears will do it. In Lisa’s pictures, it appears she only uses 2 pears as well. Maybe pears are just bigger than usual.

Ginger Pear & Walnut Tart from Celebrate Creativity.

I failed to take a picture of it after baking but here’s a photo from Lisa’s blog. Once I make it again, I will add more ginger to the steeping mixture and take photos! A perfect fall dessert.

Yarn Pumpkins

Making a Yarn Pumpkin

As part of our gift bags from the Fall Styling Workshop, Chloe made these pretty yarn pumpkins. She left a few unmade and, I must say, this is a rather relaxing DIY while sitting in front of the television. I am able to make two of them this week using both a stick and old pumpkin peduncle for the stems.

Yarn pumpkin with real pumpkin stem

You can find this DIY here, at Celebrate and Decorate. Aren’t they cute?

A Fun Idea

Fun Holiday idea with books

This week I received the Garnet Hill catalogue. Check out the cover. A fun and simple idea for the holidays. I may try this in our library!

The Graphics Fairy

The Graphics Fairy is a resource for vintage images and crafty projects. Since I subscribe to their weekly email newsletter, every Friday I receive a free graphic. Here is this week’s one…so perfect for fall or Halloween.

Friday Free Graphic

Who remembers the owl theme I did last year on the outdoor stone fireplace mantel? To learn more about The Graphics Fairy or to sign up and get your free images, click here.

Halloween owl mantel

The Great British Baking Show

A new season has begun! I just love this show where bakers from all ages and backgrounds come together and B.A.K.E.!

Baking under the tent

This show inspires me to learn more about the intricacies and chemistry of pastry, bread, chocolate, cake, you name it. Plus who can resist those sweet work areas with pastel colored refrigerators and ovens. See it on Netflix.

Mary’s Must Haves

Often, I get people asking me to share my favorite, tried and true products. Or they have seen something on the blog but can’t find it at a later date. Each week I hope to produce “Mary’s Must Haves” and then create a tab at the top of the website for easy access. It will take some time to build a resource page, but I will be working on it and adding products each week.

Some of these items will have an affiliate link, others not. An affiliate link will allow me to make a few cents if you click on the link and purchase the product. This is absolutely at no cost to you, but consider it a gift to me for making your shopping experience a bit easier.

Battery Operated Milk Frother

Handheld milk frother/blender

Every day of every week I use this simple utensil to blend my Vital Proteins into my coffee or to make a cup of faux coffee (mushroom coffee). It’s only $14.99 (currently 25% off) and will froth milk, make whipped cream and easily blend any dry powder into your liquids. It works much better than a fork or whisk. Comes with a stand too. See it here.

Fresh Herbs at your Fingertips

My son and his girlfriend live in Chicago in a high rise apartment complex on the 36th floor. He loves to cook but does not have access to any outdoor or garden space. For Delaney’s birthday, I sent them this indoor hydroponic gardening system with a grow light that is small and easily fits in their living space.

AeroGarden Hydroponic growing system

They have great success growing fresh herbs all year long. Though a bit of an initial investment, think of all the money you will save not having to buy those small packets of fresh herbs at the grocery store. Would be an excellent gift for Christmas, too. It’s 43% off ~see it here.

Hair Care

With the weather changing with drier winter conditions, it’s important to pamper your hair. Mine is fine, straight and can be limp and dull without the right products. I am one of those people that doesn’t spend a lot of money on clothing or jewelry, but I do invest in my hair products. Think of it as a good return each and every time you look into the mirror.

Oribe Shampoo for Magnificent Volume

Oribe has several different types of shampoo based on your type of hair. Personally I use two kinds~Oribe for Magnificent Volume (makes my fine hair look like much more hair). I also use the conditioner for Magnificent Volume.

Conditioner for Magnificent Volume

The second product is Oribe for Beautiful Color (which I use right after seeing my hair stylist).

Each shampoo has an accompanying conditioner. Amazon sells the one for Beautiful color as a bundle. These products seem to last a long time as you only need a small amount to get suds.

Oribe for Beautiful Color shampoo/conditioner bundle

Oribe has shampoo and conditioner for gray/silver hair too. The travel sizes are perfect when you are on the road.

Great style done by Roscoe at Pucci Salon

With the holidays coming and wanting to look your best, you may want to try these products. I am overdue for a great haircut, but if you are like me and invest in a good stylist, it makes sense to use the right products too.

Well, that’s a wrap. Enjoy these last few days of October. Next time we chat will be another new month. Thanks for checking in.

Our First Fall Styling Workshop is a Success!

Last Thursday and Friday, we hosted the very first Fall Styling Workshop here at our historic property, Bella Terra. Naturally, for weeks and months beforehand, we dreamed and planned. But anything you imagine in your head and then execute in real life, comes with a bit of trepidation. I am very happy to say, with the very skilled and talented Chloe Crabtree from Celebrate and Decorate and Chas Greener from Chas’ Crazy Creations, our two day event is a resounding success.

Welcome to our first workshop!

Goals of the Workshop

My personal goal for this event is to try and gather like-minded people together for a day of learning, creativity and friendship. In a world that has too much hate and division, the idea of a day of beauty and kindness is what many are seeking.

Personally I have learned so much from Chloe and Chas, who are very effective and popular bloggers, and I want to share their talents with others here at our home. Unfortunately, Andrea from Design Morsels, the other leg to our friend table, could not attend. We are hoping she will be presenting at the next one.

Chloe, Mary and Chas

Look at these cute linen aprons I find on Etsy! My sweet sister, Susie, embroidered them with my logo, Life at Bella Terra~a perfect outfit to greet our guests.

The Morning

Our guests arrive at 10:00 a.m. and after affixing their name tag, we head to the kitchen for a light continental breakfast of various quick breads from pumpkin to cinnamon swirl, fresh fruit, hard boiled eggs (from our hen house) and a beverage of their choice. Introductions are made and new friendships formed.

In the garden showing the “loofa” plant

A quick tour of the property follows a I share our renovation stories and 113 year old history of our home.

The Magic Begins

The outdoor back terrace is the perfect place to gather. Chloe, the master at creating lush, stunning seasonal decor has already put together this drop dead gorgeous autumn themed mantel on our stone fireplace.

Fall Mantel on the outdoor stone fireplace

With specific details and instruction, Chloe demonstrates how to easily transform a fall mantel into one for Christmas and winter.

Detailed tutorial from Chloe

We limit the attendance to 10 at each workshop, so everyone one has the opportunity to ask questions, visually inspect the materials used and engage on an intimate and personal level.

Antler sheds, pinecones and fabulous ribbon

In addition to the “how to” of this workshop, sharing resources and products is an important aspect as well.

Centerpiece with fruits and flowers

After completing this mantel transformation, Chloe demonstrates how to set a fabulous table, while wowing your guests with breathtaking flowers to elegant dinnerware.

Large Leslie Roy gold chargers

The Afternoon

Next we all sit together for a healthy and delicious lunch in the palm orchard.

Lunch in the palm orchard

Since Phoenix’s weather is a bit warmer than expected, we move the rest of the day’s activities to inside the air conditioned house. Next stop, the formal living room.

Showing the quality and types of garland available

Chloe demonstrates the importance of layering different garlands to achieve a lush and substantial look on this particularly long and deep mantel. Again, we share the resources on where to get these garlands, which are a cut above the ones we all purchased years ago.

Here is a snippet of the living room mantel as I want to share it in detail when we get closer to the Christmas holiday.

A peek at the Christmas living room mantel

We discuss ribbon sourcing, ribbon tying, bow making and techniques to affix everything.

Next we head to the kitchen for chilled glasses of champagne and a Christmas wreath charcuterie board presentation. While noshing on the charcuterie board and sipping their bubbly, our guests wrap up their time with us. New friendships are forged, ideas shared and the mood is light and happy.

Christmas Wreath charcuterie board

Each guest leaves with a special gift and a reminder of our day together.

Making gift bags late at night

Our Guests

We want to thank all our guests who took a leap to attend our very first Fall Styling workshops. Our Friday guests: We so enjoyed all your engagement and feedback. What a lively group!

Our Friday workshop guests

And here’s to our Saturday guests! Celebrating our friend and neighbor, Tevia’s birthday is an extra treat that afternoon.

Saturday Workshop guests

We hope to have another Fall Styling Workshop next year, with some smaller workshops in between.

In Summary

I couldn’t have turned this idea into reality without the important people in my life. Chloe and Chas are amazing women with so much creativity and energy to give. I feel honored to have them be a crucial and important part of this workshop.

So much goes on behind the scenes. My husband, Scott did everything possible to make our property sparkle after a brutal summer. From mowing the lawn, to setting up tables and even ironing napkins for lunch, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate all his support. My sweet daughter, Elisabeth, provided the extra helping hands on Saturday. Chloe, Chas and I are so relieved to have your young legs minimize our running around!

Here is some feedback from those who attended:

The three of you were so honest and accessible. Everyone caught that “Yes, I can” spirit from you.” Barbara

My favorites~Your food selections (welcome breakfast and lunch) were beautifully presented and delicious (especially your pasta salad). Plus the setting of having lunch amongst your palm trees is something out of a magazine.” Felicia

What an absolutely delightful day with three special and very talented ladies! Loved your fun hostess gift! “Louise

I have not stopped thinking about the delightful time spent at your home for the Fall Styling Workshop. It was a fun event and game me an opportunity to meet some lovely women , but even more to see your beautiful home in person (which after reading your blog for three years I love!).” Nancy

The different segments (2 mantels, the tablescape, the spontaneous wreath and the charcuterie board) were all interesting, beautifully executed and performed in the right amount of time. Seeing them in person was surprisingly different than watching them on YouTube. On YouTube, I’m frequently left feeling that it’s all well and good for the person demonstrating, but I’m not that good/visually creative. Being ten feet away while Chloe did those mantels or you did that board gave me every confidence that I can do this! ” Barbara

With gratitude,

Saturday Meanderings

What a week! Every day is scheduled with so many things to do….and then the unexpected happens! It always seems that way. When I’m on a mission to get all the items done on my To Do list, it seems God has other plans. I hope you had a nice 3 day weekend and enjoying cooler, fall weather where you live. Welcome to Saturday Meanderings where we chat about all good things.

Update on The Pioneer Woman’s sheets from Walmart

Pioneer Woman Sheets

A few weeks ago, I shared an incredible bargain on The Pioneer Woman’s sheets for $11.00 from Walmart (if you missed it, you can see it here). I so appreciate your remarks and feedback. One subscriber, Dee, asked if the sheets, after laundering and drying, shrink. I washed (on warm water) and dried (on medium heat) a queen size set and they did NOT shrink. Surprisingly, they have very deep corner pockets and the fabric felt even softer to me. What a nice surprise seeing I spent pennies on these sheets.

Out of the dryer without ironing

Here is how they look on a queen bed. I did not iron them which would make the ruffle look better. These sweet gingham patterns are perfect for our cabin. Though many of the patterns are out of stock, it appears there are a few left by mattress size! See it here.

Successful Pumpkin Hunting

Successful pumpkin hunt

It is SO fun to go to Willis Family Farm and roam the fields picking pumpkins. They have an amazing variety of pumpkins and gourds. You pay by the weight so the price is significantly less than what you find at the local grocery store. Our Safeway has pumpkins but without stems or with broken stems. I love a pumpkin with an interesting handle! It may not look like many pumpkins in the back of my old 2006 Escalade, but the back seat is tipped up and the trunk is full.

Cannot wait to arrange them with huge pots of chrysanthemums and ornamental cabbages on the front porch.

Geraniums on the Move

Same geraniums, year to year

The annual transport of our huge geraniums from the cabin to Phoenix also took place this week. I cannot tell you how old these plants are, as we move them every Spring up to the cooler mountains and every Fall down to the warmer valley.

The ride in the back of the pick-up truck is a bit stressful. I instantly deadhead them as many of the blooms blow away during the 4 hour trip. Water them and then wait a few days before I fertilize them, as they adjust to their new winter home.

Taking Advantage of Free Fall Foliage

Oak leaves

With armloads of freshly cut tree branches with autumn leaves, this is an affordable way to add fall to your home.

Fall Leaves 2020

This is probably the only time I use this handblown, huge green glass vase. Each year the leaves are a slightly different color. Over time they fall from the branches and my dining room table becomes a bed of leaves. This is especially fun when it’s 85 degrees outside!

Inspiration from a Friend

My friend, Chloe from Celebrate and Decorate (who is coming to Phoenix for the Fall Styling Workshop) is such a source of inspiration. At her home in Florida, I spy this fabulous blue and white bowl filled with chrysanthemums on her side porch. (Her home, by the way, is complete eye candy).

Beautiful blue bowl with chrysanthemums

Can you believe these chrysanthemums are fake? They look so real in person. So, while in Florida we go to the nearest Hobby Lobby and buy up the rest of them (at 40% off) and I carry them back to Phoenix in a suitcase.

Here is my version using a copper preserving pan. What do you think? I am surprised at how realistic they look.

Faux chrysanthemums from Hobby Lobby

Thank you, Chloe for all that you do to inspire me.

Emergency Room Visit

On Tuesday, coincidentally I am also at Hobby Lobby, I feel a growing pain in my right abdomen. By the time I got to the register, I was slumped over my shopping cart trying desperately not to throw up. The level of pain keeps increasing, so once I get home, I ask my husband to take me to the emergency room at the closest hospital. Pain level 6 quickly grows to pain level 10 and more vomiting.

John C Lincoln Medical Center

Long story short, I apparently have a 7 mm kidney stone. Everyone says it feels like labor, but when you are pregnant you expect pain with labor. But not knowing the cause of this sudden excruciating and very focused pain, is a bit scary. Though I am in good health, I did wonder if it was the beginning of the end.

I still have it and will be seeing a urologist next week. Pain is under chemical management, thank goodness. In addition to really screwing up my Tuesday, I am hoping this resolves itself soon. Certainly not an experience I want to repeat. Has anyone had a kidney stone?

Around the Internet

Purple Cherry Architects

I could live here!

Oh my! This architect creates the most gorgeous homes. Truly I would be very happy with the pool house as my main residence. The founder, Cathy Purple Cherry (love the name!) is the namesake to her firm, Purple Cherry Architects. See this article written by The Glam Pad and view the stunning pictures of classic and elegant architecture.

Purple Cherry Architects

Ah! This kitchen! I love how the copper pots almost hide the large lanterns.

Kristin Ellen Hockman’s country estate

I do love Charleston and gobble up any photos or stories about homes there. Here is another one from The Glam Pad about interior designer, Kristin Ellen Hockman’s 1852 country estate about 35 minutes outside Charleston.

Kristin Ellen Hockman’s dining room

If you love gardens and gardening, this is the article for you! In addition, Kristin lives in an updated Greek Revival home. What a piece of heaven for raising a family! You can see it here.

Greens from Kristin’s garden

Mantel and Table

My friend, Barbara from Mantel and Table, creates this dark, moody fall tablescape that I find so intriguing.

Mantel and Table

Using her mother’s Hawaiian pareo as a tablecloth, it shows you the range of possibilities when it comes to covering your table. See it here.

Sending good thoughts for a wonderful weekend. I will be busy tidying up the house, planting the garden and getting ready for our Fall Styling Workshop next Friday and Saturday. Wish you all could be here for it but we will have a full house both days, which is truly exciting. Not sure I will be posting much next week, but we will catch up shortly thereafter!