Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Is anyone else in awe that is it already November? Actually this week went by so quickly~so much so that I thought it was Tuesday when in actuality it was Friday. I feel like I want to slam on the brakes of life. You, too? My goal this week is to breathe deeply, go for…

Reworking Space: From Home Office to Guest Bedroom
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Reworking Space: From Home Office to Guest Bedroom

Last November, we hosted family at our cabin for Thanksgiving. In determining who would sleep where, we decide to take our home office room on the first floor and convert it into a guest bedroom. This particular room is at the end of a hall with its own bathroom, so it makes sense for our…

It is Peach Season!
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It is Peach Season!

Our peach crop this year is abundant and amazing. Typically by mid-May all the peaches are either picked or eaten by the birds. But this year, I am still picking peaches into June. The tree is still full of fruit and hopefully by this weekend, all the peaches will be gleaned, ripe or not. Peach…