Happy First Day of Fall 2020
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Happy First Day of Fall 2020

Today fall begins in the United States and everywhere else in the northern hemisphere. The autumn equinox — also known as the autumnal equinox, the fall equinox or the September equinox — occurs when the sun moves directly over the Earth’s Equator, bringing virtually the same amount of daylight and darkness on that particular day. Happy…

DIY Wreaths Using Natural Materials
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DIY Wreaths Using Natural Materials

I love incorporating natural materials into any DIY project for two reasons. 1) You cannot replicate nature and its beauty; 2) Natural products are free and do not cost anything. Good quality faux branches and flowers are expensive. And even though they are pretty, they are not genuine or unique as Nature provides. Have you…

Styling for Fall
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Styling for Fall

I can honestly say I felt a slight drop in temperature this weekend. Well, even though it remains hot here, it is a perfect time to think about styling for fall! What a grueling summer we are having. For the next several weeks, fall weather will tease us. But every year, we get our Indian…

Making Lavender Pillows
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Making Lavender Pillows

The world needs more lavender to promote calmness and wellness, don’t you think? I love sachets, but the larger lavender pillows are getting my attention lately. However, is it me or do they seem expensive? $49.95 for a 7″ square lavender pillow? So what better way to get a lavender pillow than make them yourself….

A Woodland Table
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A Woodland Table

Since it is still summer, it is almost hard to think ahead to fall or winter. But during a very chilly day at our mountain cabin, I was inspired to put together this woodland table. Actually, with some different elements it could also be a summer camping/s’more theme. It was fun for me to put…