Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

As I write this, we are now officially in the season between winter and summer. Our recent rains dowsed the garden and yard with abundant moisture. We had more rain in the last two weeks than we had over the past 11 months. This will be a shortened version of Saturday Meanderings since my daughter…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

What a week! Our weather is all over the place and I cannot tell you how happy I am that it is the weekend. Thank you so much for joining me today for Saturday Meanderings, where we chat about all good things this week. Grab a favorite beverage and let’s get started! The Desert Smells…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Welcome to the weekend! Another fly-by week with too many things to do and not enough time to stop and smell the roses. The weather is changing from chilly weather in the mountains to temperatures under 100 here. It sounds a bit strange when you think it feels cooler at 90 degrees. Thanks for joining…

8 Ways to Get in the Fall Mood when it is Still Hot Outside
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8 Ways to Get in the Fall Mood when it is Still Hot Outside

It is early September and I long for the autumn weather in our lingering hot Phoenix climate. Even here in the Arizona mountains, the days are warm with slightly cooler weather in the mornings. With the official start of autumn only a few weeks away, here are 8 ways to get in the Fall mood….

Transforming an Outdoor Space from Blah to Beautiful
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Transforming an Outdoor Space from Blah to Beautiful

Now is a great time of year to look for outdoor furniture bargains! Therefore, I take this opportunity to transform a deck space at our mountain cabin. For years, this area remained unused, and is quite frankly, blah and boring. Come and see how I transform this space into something beautiful for under $300. Reworking…