Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

stories Happy July 4th to all of you! We are happily ensconced here in the mountains of Arizona enjoying the cooler temperatures. I love all the patriotism here as nearly every cabin is displaying flags and lots of red, white and blue. Our mountain community is a combination of older, original cabins and of course,…

Restoration Chronicles~Chapter 5
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Restoration Chronicles~Chapter 5

Thank you for visiting today to read about the ongoing restoration story of our historical home. Chapters 5 is all about the well tower or water tower. Before Before purchasing this house, I really didn’t know anything about well towers. I have never seen one. We call ours a well tower but they are also…

Picking, Making and Baking
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Picking, Making and Baking

You know how much I love gardening, and I am far from complaining. But everything is reaching its prime at the same time. The peaches, apricots, tomatoes, figs, artichokes, fennel, sorrel and soon to be apples are being harvested now. Tomatoes But unlike store bought produce, my homegrown fruits and vegetables don’t last days on…

Making Easy Fig Preserves
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Making Easy Fig Preserves

The garden is literally bursting at the seams. With the heat, the ripening has exponentially increased. But it’s a good thing, as being in the garden is calming for me, especially in today’s chaotic world. To see my post on Gardening 101, please click here. It is that time of year again when the fig…

When It Rains It Pours
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When It Rains It Pours

I am always curious as to why there are times in life where “things” happen in multiples. And not good things. Well, I seem to be in one of those downpours lately. As I mentioned in Saturday’s blog post, the 75 gallon water tank in the basement split and flooded two rooms. A plumber, two…