Crackers and Edible Flowers
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Crackers and Edible Flowers

I have never made homemade crackers in my life. Over the last few days, I’ve been experimenting with discarded sourdough starter. When I feed my sourdough starter every week, I keep a small amount and toss the rest. Seems so wasteful, so I’ve been searching for recipes utilizing this discard. One way to use discarded…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

It has been an interesting week. What started with a lovely, relaxing Mother’s Day and ended with a flooded basement. The good news is the governor’s quarantine is over and life in Arizona is slowly getting back to the new normal. Garden Update The garden is abundant with artichokes, eggplant, fennel, cherry tomatoes, shishito peppers…

An Abundance of Flowers
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An Abundance of Flowers

First of all, thank you for all the wonderful front door color suggestions and comments! It is so enjoyable to hear your thoughts on yesterday’s blog post. I am so excited to start experimenting with different colors. More to come. I find it so interesting that some areas of the country are still experiencing snow,…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Here are some random thoughts for this beautiful Saturday morning. Yesterday, I completed cleaning the other half of the first floor to the well tower. If you missed Tuesday’s post about the potting shed, click here. Some fun discoveries in the well tower. I found a box full of old love letters and photos. A…

Propagating Roses
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Propagating Roses

I have always wanted to learn how to propagate roses, especially the antique ones we have at Bella Terra. With a clean potting shed (see yesterday’s post here) and sheltering in place time on my hands, I thought I would try this. Meet Quatre Saisons (Rose of the Four Seasons), R. damascene bifera). We have…