Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

We are already at the second week in June. Not sure I remember where March, April and May went, but they certainly flew by. Welcome to another Saturday Meanderings, where we discuss all the fun and good things happening around us this week. Flag Day on June 14 Growing up, I remember celebrating Flag Day….

Making Your Own Bread
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Making Your Own Bread

Currently, if you don’t make your own bread, you are probably thinking that making your own bread requires too much time and hard work. Not true! There are ways of making your own bread that suit every schedule and lifestyle. During the pandemic and being sequestered at home, more people are learning about making bread….

Valentine Dinner Party Ideas, Part 2
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Valentine Dinner Party Ideas, Part 2

So happy you are here with me today to see the Valentine Dinner Party Ideas, Part 2 blog post. If you missed Part 1 yesterday, you can view it here. There is so much that goes into this party, it would be overwhelming to do it in one post, so I hope you enjoy the…

Post-Christmas Wrap Up
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Post-Christmas Wrap Up

I am happy to report that we had an absolutely lovely Christmas. In spite of a late night Christmas Eve, this blessed day could not have been better. With just our clan of 5, we experienced the best of family time, food and traditions. Here is a look at our post-Christmas wrap up. Gingerbread Houses…