Lemon Tart with Mile High Meringue
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Lemon Tart with Mile High Meringue

My mother always made the best lemon meringue pies. After she passed, I tried to find her recipe but to no avail. I attempted making one from an online recipe and it was a complete failure. The meringue was loose and runny. I never made another. One blogger I admire greatly is Kayley from The…

A Few of my Favorite Things
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A Few of my Favorite Things

Do you have a favorite item or part of your home that brings a smile to your face or a boost to your spirit? These are the things that if you had to move, you would definitely take them with you. I suppose organizing guru, Marie Kondo would say these items “spark joy”. In the…

Merry Christmas Eve
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Merry Christmas Eve

Even though I don’t feel like I’ve completed everything for this holiday, I have an odd sense of calm about it. The magic of Christmas happens regardless. Today, I am just enjoying the rainy day and the blessings the season brings. I can’t believe another decade is ending soon. What will the next 10 years…

If You Need to Send or Receive Flowers
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If You Need to Send or Receive Flowers

I realize many bloggers get paid to endorse a product. However, that is not the case here. It takes an exceptional product, high quality, and great customer service for me to go out on a limb and support it. When I find something that consistently impresses me, I feel compelled to share it with you,…

Bring Back the Hankie and Giveaway!
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Bring Back the Hankie and Giveaway!

Historians credit Marie Antoinette with the invention of the pocket handkerchief. She was so broken up at leaving her home in Austria that she cried all the way to France and wiped her eyes with bits of lace torn from her dress and lingerie. Anticipating future tears, she made it a point always to have…