Lemon Love~My 10 Favorite Recipes
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Lemon Love~My 10 Favorite Recipes

Being well into our citrus season, I am taking advantage of all the different fruits available to us. A typical day means a walk to the orchard to pick an orange, tangerine, grapefruit or kumquat from a tree. This year, my Lisbon lemon tree did produce quite a bumper crop! Today’s post is about lemon…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday friends! As slow as last week went for me, this week is just the opposite. The antithesis of my hope for a new year, but it is unavoidable when many things unexpectedly collide at once. But it is now the weekend, and time to take a breath. Welcome to another Saturday Meanderings where…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday! I must say that slowing down has really made each day this week more fulfilling and memorable. Surprisingly, I am more focused and checking many things off of my To Do list. It is time for another Saturday Meanderings where we chat about all good things this week. Final Clean Up Ninety-nine percent…

Thanksgiving Cleanse Green Shake
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Craving Fresh Fruits and Vegetables after Holiday Foods Indulgence

After a lovely Thanksgiving week of carbs and more carbs, I am craving anything healthy-mostly fruits and vegetables.  My body seems so out of balance~~I’m sluggish and feeling a bit pudgy. Now with a broken toe that is slowing me down a bit, I feel the need to reset and nourish myself in a healthy…