Cleaning out the Potting Shed
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Cleaning out the Potting Shed

What started out as cleaning the windows to the well tower, turned into a full day of cleaning out the potting shed. The potting shed occupies the first level of the well tower. If you are new to the blog, the well tower is just that, it houses the well, which we re-activated when we…

My Easter Table
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My Easter Table

I know many of us are having smaller Easter dinner celebrations this year. However, albeit cozy, it is important to make it special for several reasons. Easter is a time of rebirth, joy and celebration. Even though we may be apart from our friends and family, we are healthy and safe. Typically we have our…

Making DIY Easter Nests
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Making DIY Easter Nests

In setting the table for Easter Sunday dinner, I needed something to make it feel more spring-like. I love birds’ nests and have a few, but don’t think it is very sanitary to actually place them at the dinner table. How difficult would it be to make some faux nests? The Royal Worcester dishes I…

Composting 101
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Composting 101

Since we are all staying at home for the next 30 days, it is the perfect time to start composting. Your family’s trash can be easily and inexpensively turned into organic plant food. About 30% of what we throw away can be used to make your own rich fertilizer. We have been composting here at…

Ways to Navigate Life Now
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Ways to Navigate Life Now

With every dark cloud, there is a silver lining. But in times of crisis you really need to look for it. Lately, I have found that when I pay attention to the small things I have missed in the past, I am in a state of rediscovery. Before I was always running to meetings or…