Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday! My hope is that Saturday Meanderings is to have a conversation with you about odds and ends about the previous week. So pull up a chair and grab a cup of coffee and let’s chat. Boy did this week fly by and it is a stressful one that I am happy to have…

Aspiring to Achieve Historical Authenticity
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Aspiring to Achieve Historical Authenticity

If you have ever owned a historical home, there is a sense of stewardship that comes with it. For me, it’s hard to imagine someone prior to 1910 dreaming about building this house we now enjoy. But many older homes are stripped of the original architecture and details, losing historical authenticity, for more modern design…

A Peek into Our Home Office
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A Peek into Our Home Office

Here is a peek into our home office. I have not shown this room before, probably because it tends to get messy! The home office is located upstairs between my art room and the master bedroom. As much of our home interior is painted white and neutral colors, the office space is more masculine and…

Life at Bella Terra’s Greatest Hits
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Life at Bella Terra’s Greatest Hits

Thank you for visiting my blog on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday! I am so grateful to my faithful readers and all the new people who are joining us every week. Your comments and questions make my day. Since many of you are new, I thought it might be fun to share some oldies but goodies….

10 Things I Love in My Kitchen
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10 Things I Love in My Kitchen

Most of my time is spent in the kitchen. I love the kitchen overall, but I have a few favorites that, if I were to design another kitchen, I would definitely include. Here is my list of top 10 items I love and use heavily in the kitchen. Nespresso Machine My Nespresso Machine is the…