Living Simply and  Efficiently
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Living Simply and Efficiently

I recently purchased a new book, Simply Living Well by Julia Watkins. This hard cover book is a guide to creating a natural, low-waste home. The book is filled with great ideas and recipes on how to reduce what you consume and throw away. But it got me thinking about how we live. What are…

How To Make Quick Refrigerated Pickled Cucumbers
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How To Make Quick Refrigerated Pickled Cucumbers

In the past, I have canned pickles but have never made refrigerated pickles. Not only am I surprised how easy they are to make, I am equally delighted with how delicious they taste. Whether you like dill or sweet pickles, you can make your own version of refrigerated pickled cucumbers in less than an hour….

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

From the extreme temperatures and the raging fires in Hawaii, Mother Nature is having a heyday. Our prayers are with those in Maui who are dealing with the devastation. We feel like we are in our mountain cocoon, where life is quiet and we are blessed with afternoon rains. Even though the retail stores are…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Is it really the first Saturday in August? I cannot believe some children are already back in school. Are you wanting summer to stretch out or are you ready for fall? I am hanging onto summer, especially as we are enjoying it in the cool mountains of Arizona. It has been a very busy week…