Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

January is coming to an end….wow. But instead of this month feeling like a blur, my month, surprisingly, is more intentional and productive. I am beginning to think that the key to slowing down life is to being more deliberate each and every day. How did your January pan out? Nonetheless, it’s the weekend and…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday friends! As slow as last week went for me, this week is just the opposite. The antithesis of my hope for a new year, but it is unavoidable when many things unexpectedly collide at once. But it is now the weekend, and time to take a breath. Welcome to another Saturday Meanderings where…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy New Year and this is the first Saturday Meanderings of 2023. It is nice to be back with you after a reprieve from blogging the last week or so. Our holidays were full and abundant and I can honestly say, I am enjoying a mostly slow and relaxing first week of January. So let’s…

Getting Back to Basics | Put Down Your Phone
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Getting Back to Basics

I am from the generation that grew up with one television.  The only time we were allowed to watch it was Sunday night. After a bath (there was no shower) and in our jammies, we would all sit together and watch a show.   The television was never on during the week but we didn’t seem…