Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday friends! As slow as last week went for me, this week is just the opposite. The antithesis of my hope for a new year, but it is unavoidable when many things unexpectedly collide at once. But it is now the weekend, and time to take a breath. Welcome to another Saturday Meanderings where…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy New Year and this is the first Saturday Meanderings of 2023. It is nice to be back with you after a reprieve from blogging the last week or so. Our holidays were full and abundant and I can honestly say, I am enjoying a mostly slow and relaxing first week of January. So let’s…

Getting Back to Basics | Put Down Your Phone
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Getting Back to Basics

I am from the generation that grew up with one television.  The only time we were allowed to watch it was Sunday night. After a bath (there was no shower) and in our jammies, we would all sit together and watch a show.   The television was never on during the week but we didn’t seem…