Organizing Bathroom Drawers
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Organizing Bathroom Drawers

January is one of my go-to organizing months. With a New Year’s resolution to tackle the master bathroom, I am starting with cleaning, sorting and organizing the drawers to my bathroom vanity. So now you get to see the embarrassing photos of my drawers BEFORE. The first 3 drawers probably took me an hour, so…

Onward to 2022!
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Onward to 2022!

Do you treat the new year as a time to start fresh? Are new resolutions made? For me, I like to think of it as a time of assessment and evaluation. Looking back on the previous year, I note the highlights and the low points~what went well, and what things I’d like to change. And…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday to you! I’m a little late getting out today’s post but all for good reasons. My son and girlfriend are in town visiting for a wedding, so the latter part of this week is full of those celebrations. Since this will be the first time in 26 years that our son hasn’t been…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Well, Happy October! Whoosh and just like that September is in the rear view mirror. Hopefully as you are reading this we are up in the cool mountains of Arizona. The big goal this weekend is to finally gather pumpkins and gourds from Willis Family Farm in Snowflake. Maybe that will light a fire under…

A Powerful Stain Remover
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A Powerful Stain Remover

My sweet friend, Chloe, from Celebrate and Decorate gave me a very attractive duvet cover and pillow shams for a king bed that she no longer needed. It is made of a high quality woven Belgian linen and from Restoration Hardware (which we all know is not inexpensive). However, the duvet has unknown various stains,…