Completed Projects of 2020 and onto 2021
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Completed Projects of 2020 and onto 2021

When reflecting back on 2020, is it possible that we took on TOO many projects? Perhaps for me, keeping extra busy was a way to not focus on all the world’s problems last year. I guess the good news is that several things got done, but it feels like an exhausting year on many fronts….

Last Post of 2020
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Last Post of 2020

I cannot believe this is my last post of 2020. Well, it’s been a year, hasn’t it? When I reflect back over the course of the last 12 months, I count my blessings. We are healthy and happy, most of the time. And 2020 is a year where the world realizes that having good health…

Cleaning a Chandelier
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How to Clean a Crystal Chandelier

The crystal chandelier in our dining room has traveled with me from house to house. Found in an antique store and electrified, I love the elegance and beauty of it. Not too gaudy, but just enough sparkle to make the dining room extra special. Once a year, every December, I clean the chandelier by hand….

Hidden Storage in Front Hall
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Hidden Storage in Front Hall

Upon entering our front hall, you see our grand staircase and an antique petticoat table. But tucked in behind the mirrored table, is a wainscoting panel, just to the left of the door to the powder room. Several months after we purchased the house, we discovered that this panel is not permanently fixed, but slides…

Getting the Garden Ready for the Fall planting
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Getting the Garden Ready for the Fall planting

After being away at the cabin for 2+ weeks, I am feeling a bit behind in getting my garden ready for fall planting here in Phoenix. In looking over blog posts from previous years, my tardiness is self-imposed. I’m actually a bit early this year. Now it makes sense that the vegetable selection at the…