Odd Shaped Closet Solutions
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Odd Shaped Closet Solutions

Do you have an odd-shaped closet? Like most older homes, we have a front hall closet in our foyer. Since we rarely wear coats or jackets here, having a closet to hang them in is just bonus space. This particular closet isn’t square, because it tucks underneath the U-shaped front staircase. One side of the…

Household and Family Information Binder
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Household and Family Information Binder

Our Household/Family binder is one of those tools that provides me with peace of mind. We’ve all asked ourselves, “if I had to leave my house suddenly, what would I take?” I would definitely grab this binder. With technology, you could put all this information on your computer. But I’m still not convinced our data…

Processing Tomatoes
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Processing Tomatoes

You need lots of tomatoes Back in early June, after harvesting the San Marzano tomatoes from my garden (thank you, Whitfill Nursery), I made fresh tomato sauce. However, I did not process it with the hot bath canning method, but froze the fresh sauce in individual zip-loc bags. Recently, when my friend, Rick said his…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

After being out of town for 12 days, I’m feeling a bit lost here at home. The stacks of mail, bills need to be paid and I just don’t feel like doing much of anything in 111 degree heat. Seems like all the good relaxing vibes fly right out the window and are replaced with…

A Woodland Table
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A Woodland Table

Since it is still summer, it is almost hard to think ahead to fall or winter. But during a very chilly day at our mountain cabin, I was inspired to put together this woodland table. Actually, with some different elements it could also be a summer camping/s’more theme. It was fun for me to put…