Bring Back the Hankie and Giveaway!
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Bring Back the Hankie and Giveaway!

Historians credit Marie Antoinette with the invention of the pocket handkerchief. She was so broken up at leaving her home in Austria that she cried all the way to France and wiped her eyes with bits of lace torn from her dress and lingerie. Anticipating future tears, she made it a point always to have…

Finally, a CLEAN basement!
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Finally, a CLEAN basement!

I am officially embarrassed to say that this was the condition of the middle room of the basement. I cleaned it 18 months ago, but it’s an easy dumping spot for, well, just about everything. I know the intention was to “put it away later”, but things just kept accumulating. After taking donating three carloads…

Storing things
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Storing things

Someone recently asked me where I put everything. The challenge with having a large property is to not fill it to the brim with stuff. I tend to organize by categories. Some people organize alphabetically or by color or project. But it’s easier for me to focus on the object~~looking for scissors? Go to the…

Reflecting on 2018
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Reflecting on 2018

The time between Christmas and the New Year is an interesting one.  I love having less cars on the road, a fluid schedule, and more time with my family. The house is a bit messy but I don’t really care. As this year closes and a new one is ready to begin, it is a…