Holiday Gift Guide
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Holiday Gift Guide

For those of you who know me, I do not do anything Christmas/holiday related until the day after Thanksgiving. No decorations, no gift buying, no holiday cards. However, 2020 is a completely different year, forcing completely different behavior. Ever since the pandemic started, our supply chain has been stressed. And even though there is toilet…

Fall Inspired Drinks
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Fall Inspired Drinks

When the weather becomes crisp and the smell of autumn is in the air, one thinks of apples, cider, hot cocoa and all things warm and cozy. This week I am making all sorts of drinks that inspire fall vibes. Homemade Apple Cider Growing up in New England, we always had our fair share of…

Hand painting Furniture
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Hand painting Furniture

When we purchased our cabin, the previous owner left a few pieces of furniture. I don’t consider them to be my style, yet it is nice to have furniture already there that doesn’t require moving. This plain, brown dresser is a large piece left behind that we moved into the family room. Placed under the…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday! I so look forward to catching up with you today about all things~from travel to baking. So grab a cup of coffee or tea and let’s chat. I don’t know about you, but I feel like my world has gotten so small since COVID. And I didn’t realize the enormity of this until…