Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Is it really the first Saturday in August? I cannot believe some children are already back in school. Are you wanting summer to stretch out or are you ready for fall? I am hanging onto summer, especially as we are enjoying it in the cool mountains of Arizona. It has been a very busy week…

Organizing, Cleaning and Repairing the Kitchen Cabinets
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Organizing, Cleaning and Repairing the Kitchen Cabinets

For years, I have been wanting to clean each and every cabinet in the kitchen, however, the task just seems so overwhelming. I finally get motivated when the condition of my spice cabinet drives me to despair. Each and every time I am looking for a spice, I cannot easily find it because 1) the…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

How can it truly be the last Saturday of April? Happy Saturday and weekend to you. This week seem to move along rather quickly for me and I am ready to slow things down once again. Thanks for joining me today as we chat about all good things this week. Tackling Another House Project I…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

This is my 100th Saturday Meanderings post. For the centennial post, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your dedication and loyalty every Saturday. I recently heard a sad statistic that over 50% of Americans feel lonely or profoundly lonely. However, so many of you feel like close friends…

The Guest Cottage Rejuvenation
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The Guest Cottage Rejuvenation

The guest cottage renovation is complete. This is not a comprehensive renovation, but enough to make it feel fresh and functional. My daughter and her two dogs and one cat made this their home for 3 years. Normal wear and tear plus pets…well you get the picture. Here is the guest house remodel reveal and…