Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
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Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Greetings from the White Mountains of Arizona. We are up at our cabin and the weather is 60 degrees this morning with sunny, clear blue skies. The community in Pinetop-Lakeside is small, with limited shopping and resources. Other than a few local grocery stores, you need to drive to the next largest town, which is…

When It Rains It Pours
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When It Rains It Pours

I am always curious as to why there are times in life where “things” happen in multiples. And not good things. Well, I seem to be in one of those downpours lately. As I mentioned in Saturday’s blog post, the 75 gallon water tank in the basement split and flooded two rooms. A plumber, two…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

It has been an interesting week. What started with a lovely, relaxing Mother’s Day and ended with a flooded basement. The good news is the governor’s quarantine is over and life in Arizona is slowly getting back to the new normal. Garden Update The garden is abundant with artichokes, eggplant, fennel, cherry tomatoes, shishito peppers…

Sprucing up the Front Porch
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Sprucing up the Front Porch

Here is another project that started out simply, and then took on a life of its own. With all this time at home, I am noticing there are so many areas that need sprucing up. This includes the front porch. It all begins with the rocking chairs. The four rocking chairs on the front porch…

Escaping to the Cabin
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Escaping to the Cabin

After a very stressful week meeting unpleasant deadlines, I jumped at the chance to join my husband in his annual “take the geraniums to the mountain” trip. The high temperatures in Phoenix are distressing the many potted geraniums we have. Each spring we pile them in the back of the pickup and drive them to…