Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy September! The lazy days of August are behind us and now we wait for the temperature to change. We are still up in the mountains and there is a shift in the light, the smell of the air and the temperature is cooler now in the mornings and evenings. Welcome to September’s Saturday Meanderings…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

I seriously do not understand how fast August is flying by~especially these last two weeks. Happy last Saturday of August and it’s hard to believe the Labor Day weekend is next week. We are so lucky to still be enjoying the cooler mountains of Arizona and lately, I can certainly feel a touch of autumn…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Can this possibly be the next to the last Saturday in August? Part of me is trying to milk the most out of the last bit of summer because once Fall hits, then we are in full stride toward the holidays. There is something about the “lazy days of summer” that resonates right now. We…

Living Simply and  Efficiently
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Living Simply and Efficiently

I recently purchased a new book, Simply Living Well by Julia Watkins. This hard cover book is a guide to creating a natural, low-waste home. The book is filled with great ideas and recipes on how to reduce what you consume and throw away. But it got me thinking about how we live. What are…