Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday and post-Thanksgiving weekend! I hope you had a wonderful holiday. Ours took a bit of a different turn. My husband is feeling a bit under the weather and in light of being extra cautious, we moved the dinner outside while he rested inside. Welcome to the last Saturday Meanderings in November where we…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Is it possible another week has gone by? It’s a glorious day here and I am so excited to share with you all the fun things that crossed my path this week. Welcome to Saturday Meanderings! Reading List Every night I try and read before bed. It is part of my winding down ritual before…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday to you! I’m a little late getting out today’s post but all for good reasons. My son and girlfriend are in town visiting for a wedding, so the latter part of this week is full of those celebrations. Since this will be the first time in 26 years that our son hasn’t been…

Making Halloween Cupcakes is Like Riding a Broom
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Making Halloween Cupcakes is Like Riding a Broom

Making cupcakes is a relatively easy task. Decorating them with a Halloween theme should be simple, right? With all good intentions, I set upon making Halloween cupcakes thinking this is a 1-2 hour project. However, there are so many unexpected twists and turns, I feel like a witch on a broom playing quidditch on a…