Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

It is the last Saturday of August 2024 and the beginning of Labor Day weekend. Just like that another month vanishes. There is a slight shift in temperatures in the morning and soon, fall will be well on its way. As we say goodbye to August, I am still cherishing the pace of summer in…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

We are still enjoying summer here in the mountains. I know many retailers and bloggers are off to fall decor, but personally, I want to extend summer for as long as possible. Technically, autumn doesn’t officially start until September 22. Are you savoring this season or are you off to the next? Welcome to Saturday…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday and can you believe it’s the last weekend in July?! I know many parents are focusing on Back to School sales, gathering items for the next school year. It’s so hot in Phoenix I wish they would start classes after Labor Day. Hard to believe but the first day of school gets earlier…

My 5 Favorite Watermelon Recipes
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My 5 Favorite Watermelon Recipes

It is that time of year to take advantage of the abundance of sweet, fresh and juicy watermelon! On a hot summer’s day, there is nothing more satisfying than biting into a chilled piece of this beautiful fruit. Here are my 5 favorite watermelon recipes for you to try. This is an oldie but goodie…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Welcome to Saturday Meanderings where we chat about all good things this week. I was unable to post last Saturday because we were traveling (secretly) to Chicago to surprise our son. Plus last week is one filled with chores and who wants to share that! But this week, we have happy good news to share,…