The Projects Have Begun!
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The Projects Have Begun!

It has been such a busy week. The Corona Virus Honey Do List is slowly getting accomplished. Seriously, I don’t do well with idle time and keeping myself busy is a good thing! First task on the list is washing the windows. It’s a bit treacherous with some of the outdoor planting. I think I…

Spring and Easter Inspiration
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Spring and Easter Inspiration

Generally right after St. Patrick’s Day, I am full steam ahead on Easter. But I feel like the last week has been a blur and it’s hard to stay focused with so much going on around us. The purpose of this post is to tune out all the noise, and enjoy Spring and remember that…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

We have arrived safely back in the USA after our 6 day Spring break trip to Vancouver, Canada. It was a spectacular mother/daughter adventure with my youngest child and college freshman, Elisabeth. Traveling was very enjoyable. I felt as if the planes were the cleanest I have ever seen, plus nearly all passengers were happily…

Using Preserved Lemons in a Recipe
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Using Preserved Lemons in a Recipe

It’s been a little over a month since we made preserved lemons (hopefully together!) and it’s time to try a new recipe. If you missed the blog post about this, please click here. As you recall, my first attempt at making preserved lemons was a failure. But inspired by a friend who uses them all…

My Spring Planting Goals
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My Spring Planting Goals

Now that the freezing temperatures are behind us, it is time to start planting the Spring garden. The evenings are still cool and the days are nice and warm (but not too hot). I am often asked if it takes a great deal of time to garden. The answer is no. Some planting attention is…