Appreciating the Simple Things
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Appreciating the Simple Things

As a result of freak accident, I have been unable to use my computer much so my apologies for not posting recently. Short version of a long story… an Easy Off Grill Cleaner can was accidentally punctured when I opened up an outdoor cupboard and the foam sprayed into both of my eyes. I am…

Setting a Proper Table
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Setting a Proper Table

There is something satisfying about a stunning dinner table.  It makes your guests feel special and honors the meal soon to be presented.  Unfortunately, in our household we don’t do it enough.  We can rarely get our senior in high school to be hungry at standard meal times. I love setting a proper table, and…

Reflecting on 2018
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Reflecting on 2018

The time between Christmas and the New Year is an interesting one.  I love having less cars on the road, a fluid schedule, and more time with my family. The house is a bit messy but I don’t really care. As this year closes and a new one is ready to begin, it is a…

Beginnings and Endings
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Beginnings and Endings

I have been out of town for the last week and was unable to send my typical twice weekly blog posts.  But there is a good reason why. Our oldest child, Benjamin graduated from the University of Virginia in Charlottesville last Saturday.  This is one of the country’s most beautiful educational institutions.  Rich in history…