Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

We are having such chilly, rainy weather here in Phoenix. Not that I am complaining as we always need the rain, but usually by March, we are having warmer temperatures. As I write this I am bundled up with the fireplace on making a pot of soup for lunch. Happy Saturday and of course, it…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy Weekend and I am so glad you are here today for another Saturday Meanderings. What an interesting week~ranging from chores, bill paying, meetings, hearings and a wonderful tour of a transitional living facility. Let’s get started chatting about all good things this week. A Snowy Mountain Getaway We took a quick overnight trip up…

The Importance of Good Friends
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The Importance of Friendship and Kindness

Yesterday I was feeling out of sorts.  Blah.  Not physically sick but emotionally restless.  I try exercising and that didn’t fix it.  I eat healthy food all day to no avail.  Typically I wake up each morning in a happy state ready to tackle the day with lots of focused energy.  But on this day,…

How to Host a Memorable Dinner Party
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How to Host a Memorable Dinner Party

As temperatures continue to be gorgeous, it is a good time to think about entertaining outside or al fresco. The pandemic is behind us and we are all longing to socialize again. Though we hosted this dinner party for 50 people a few years ago, it is an event that people keep talking about so…

Saturday Meanderings
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Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday from Boise, Idaho. Boy, packing for this trip is a bit of a challenge as the weather will range from 70 degrees to 38 degrees and raining. Plus we are attending a black tie gala~nothing like stuffing your fancy outfit into a carry-on! It is always fun to travel here~especially now where they…